Chapter 1, A Troublesome Slumber

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"Joel, for the thousandth time already" Lizzie called out to her fiance from the room entrance, "can you please take the trash out?"

"I will! As soon as I've beat my high score on Fortnite!" he called back impatiently, keeping his eyes on his PC "I've never come this close to a win before!"

Lizzie rolled her eyes and stepped back from the entrance, knowing he'd get to it eventually. It didn't matter how much of a 12 year boy Joel acted like at certain moments, she'd known him for long enough now that he'd keep his share of simple tasks like household chores.

Besides, menial tasks could wait when there were other issues at hand. Issues that required her attention back at her PC.

Sat back in her desk chair, she resumed her day long mission; investigating a glitch in the Youtube series Minecraft server, FunCraft. Somehow, all admin commands and cheats had been disabled, and despite being the one who made the game herself, she couldn't gain access to them. This itself wasn't exactly an issue considering they never used these commands. What made this particularly strange was that an unidentified account by the name of 'Ewendere' had hacked its way onto the server without Lizzie's knowledge. She had spent all afternoon trying to track down this hacker, and she wasn't getting any closer to finding out who it was.

She looked back at the error page on her screen and sighed tiredly. It wasn't exactly surprising that someone had hacked their way into a server filled with reasonably famous Gamers, but the added glitching made this particularly confusing. 

Suddenly, her cat Buddy came running into her room and jumped onto her lap with his fur sticking out. Just a second later, her dog Merri ran into the room barking at Buddy.

"Down Merri!" Lizzie commanded, one hand holding Buddy and the other held in front of Merri, "I thought I told you to stop fighting."

Merri let out a small whimper and Buddy's fur began to lay flat, when suddenly Lizzie's phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and looked at who the contact was. It was her friend Callum.

She held the phone to her ear, "Hi Callum" she said whilst stroking Buddy.

"Lizzie! You and Joel need come to the hospital now!" his reply came rushed and fearful sounding voice.

"Why, what's happened?" Lizzie got up out of her chair, forcing Buddy to leap off. Why did Callum sound so distressed?

"It's Oli, something's happened to him. I'm...I'm not sure what but Scott says he found him unconscious in his home and he wouldn't wake up. We need you guys here to hear the diagnosis but it'll be announced soon so you need to be here ASAP!"

"Wait what?! Callum, I don't-" the line cut off. She stared blankly, trying process the few seconds of a phone call with Callum.

 Oli...he's...I need to know what's happened! 

Once the thought struck her, she ran out of the room to get Joel, not wanting to hesitate in finding out what happened to her friend.

The hallways of the patient ward echoed as Lizzie and Joel steadily speed-walked down them as quick as they could.

"Which one did they say it was?" Joel looked from room to room hoping to see some sort of sign, he looked a lot more stressed now than half an hour ago. Lizzie looked back at her faience before turning her gaze back to the rooms ahead.

She turned direction to the approaching room, "it's this one" she said as she slowed her pace and walked in cautiously.

Inside, the first face she noticed was Callum's distressed frown, reminding her of his call from before. Along with Callum, she noticed Scott with her other friends Yammy, Kyle, Sasha and Chai, and some members of Oli's family, their gazes fixed on something. Lizzie walked in further, and saw Oli himself, lying in a hospital bed seemingly asleep.

She heard Joel gasp behind her, alerting the others of their presence. "Lizzie, Joel, you made it" Callum said in the same distressed tone.

"Callum, what happened to Oli?' Lizzie asked, still unsure of what exactly happened. Callum was about to reply, when footsteps echoed towards them.

A doctor, fully dressed in coat, gloves and glasses, approached the crowd beside the sleeping patient. "I assume you're gathered here with answers about Mr Oliver" he addressed them in a calm but somewhat troubled voice.

"I-I swear to God sir" Scott stuttered, "I just...found him like this, I d-don't know what happened." "You've told us that many times now, Mr Scott" he replied steadily, "and we ourselves are unsure what is wrong with him, all the news I can give now is that...well..." He trailed off for a second. "We've conducted some tests and it looks like...your friend is in a coma."

"A coma?" Lizzie queried, Oli's family in shock while her friends whispered worryingly.

"Yes, it seems that is the state he is in currently" the doctor replied "We're not sure how though, no wounds, no sign of illness or brain damage, he's perfectly healthy. We're still investigating this, but for now he's on life support, and until he wakes up he'll have to remain here in the hospital."

Lizzie turned to Scott, Callum and Joel, their faces now showing the same distressed look. How could this have happened?

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