Chapter 11, A Battle Between 1 And 10

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 The three friends ran like Forest, with Callum silently praying the others were still ok.

 It wasn't even a minute of sprinting when they reached the stairs leading to the top level, but the entrance was blocked off by a pink mosaic wall. Callum chucked a spare amour set and diamond sword to Oli as Scott broke his way through, which like the bars kept respawning blocks.

 Eventually breaking, they ran through the opening. Only to freeze in shock at the sight of the battlefield. The large room contained a flurry of arrows, swords and splash potions as player fought mob in a spectacular scene. The CrazyCraft war seemed almost dull in comparison.

 It took a moment for Callum to take in all this action, trying to figure out where everyone was. Joel was stood behind a makeshift wall of cobblestone close by to where they stood. Kyle crouched beside him looking out a glass window, Lauren and Megan were fighting off a hoard of zombies from reaching the stone fort, and Lizzie and Joey were farther ahead going for Ewendere.

 "You made it! Hide over here!" Joel yelled out to them, alerting Scott as he and Oli ran passed Callum towards the stone fort. He ran right after them to see Kyle breaking the glass window, letting a newly spawned Yammy inside.

 "Yammy!" Scott crouched beside his trapped friend, "I can't believe Ewendere's taken another  one of us."

 "Don't worry" Joel peeked out to the side of the fort momentarily, judging the battle ahead. He then turned back to face Callum, "If what you said is right, then we need a plan to kill Ewendere. And quick, before we're all sucked in."

 Callum, unsure of what to say, threw a book and quill to Oli for his ideas. He passed it back swiftly, "Ewendere might be strong, but she's not invincible. If I can go out there and distract her, you can run in from behind and smite her!"

 "Good plan" Joel replied, "Tell Oli to run out on my signal, then we-" He was suddenly interrupted by another sparking sound over the skype chat, followed by a new message from the game "JoeyGraceffa was killed by Ewendere."

 "JOEY!" Scott ran out from behind the wall, "there's no time! If we're gonna fight Ewendere, it's now or never!" Before anyone could say anything, Scott ran out to where Joey once was, throwing a message to Lizzie. It must have contained their battle plan, since no more than a second after receiving it, she gave them a nod in agreement and continued fighting mobs.

 Joel nodded and called back "send the signal to Oli now!"

 Callum bowed his head to write the message "Go for it" and sent it to Oli. Within those three seconds, everyone from behind the fort had sprinted onto the battle field, Lauren and Megan stopping their own fight to join the charge.

 The hacker called out from the other end of the room, "I see you've finally gained the guts to fight me, well isn't that a..." Oli ran out in front of the group, leading all ten FunCrafters towards her. "OLI!" she exclaimed in surprise and horror, jumping out of her throne. "You really wouldn't stay put, would you?!"

 "Come and get me, Ewendere!" he typed into the server chat as he darted to the side of the chamber. Almost growling, Ewendere charged at Oli with a golden lasso in her hand, not noticing Scott approach from the side.

 "NOT TODAY SATAN!" he shouted in sink with his critical-hit on her, shoving her off track.

 She turned to face him when Lauren shot an arrow at her from the other side, "You're not getting Oli this time!" Soon, everyone was surrounding Ewendere, trying to hit her from all angles.

 Callum felt a sense of triumph as he looked back at Oli, we're almost there Oli, a few more hits and you guys might be free!

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