The option

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"H- Honey Senpai! I- It's not w-what you think!" I dropped the rag and quickly grabbed my coat off the counter top. "I was just leaving."

"What are you talking about Ren-Chan? Where are you going?" He small voice said from the dark room on the other side of the door frame.

"Home, I'll see you later-"

"Takashi, you forgot to wake me up. It's dark under here, I'm scared."

Mori walked over to Honey and picked him up. It was still hard to see since Honey was technically still in the other room. Soon enough Mori came out of the shadows, Honey in one hand and a sleeping mask in the other. An overwhelming relief came over me. There's a chance Honey didn't see a thing.

"Why were you cleaning Takashi?"

"Helping out a friend." He said as he set Honey down.

"Uh huh, a friend." Honey winked at Mori and a look of embarrassment came across his face. "Ren-Chan, can I tell you a secret?" Honey innocently smiled.

"Uh- sure Senpai." I looked at Mori and he gave me an apologetic smile.

"I know about you and Takashi." He whispered. My heart fell to my stomach. Fuck.

"W-what are you talking about?" I nervously laughed, maybe I can somehow play this off?

"Takashi told me. He told me he liked you and that he would like to take you out." Honey giggled.

"Wait, Tak- Mori Senpai... is that true? You told Honey?" I was shocked, Takashi didn't seem like the kind of person who would tell secrets.

"Yeah." He looked away and then back at me.

"Takashi tells me everything!" Oh god... I hope he didn't tell him EVERYTHING. That poor child. "Don't worry Ren-Chan, I like you. I think you guys would be cute together, like me and cake!" Honey hugged my waist and another wave of relief powered over me. He's not mad and that's all I was worried about. "And maybe one day you guy will get married!


"Yo Ren! Hate to break up your little hug circle but the cars out front." Ri reported, walking abruptly into the room.

"Okay thanks. I gotta go guys, I'll see you tomorrow at the party right?"

"I don't know, I think it's past my bed time. But I'm sure Takashi won't mind taking my place." Honey said smiling at Mori.

"Parties aren't my thing." Takashi stated.

"Come on, it will be fun. I promise."

"Please Takashi." Honey begged. Mori looked at me, then at Honey, then back at me.


——— Next Day———

"All good over here." The twins said. Everything was ready and the party would start soon, everyone had all their jobs and nothing seems out of place. The twins job was to great the first guests who come through the door. Haruhi was in snack duty, Ritsu was in music, Tamaki's job was to stay out of my way, and Kyoya was on keeping track of the guest list. Come to think of it, where is Kyoya? I saw him earlier but he seems to have just run off.

"Okay, everything seems to be going great so far. I'm gonna go get changed and I'll be back just in time to get this party started!" I ran off to my room to get changed into the sexy outfit I had laid out on the bed earlier today.

I opened my door and saw Kyoya standing at the end of my bed, looking over my outfit I had laid out.

"Wow Ren, I didn't think daddy's little princess would be aloud to wear such a revealing outfit." He picked up my black lace panties that were also laid out on my bed.

"Well, daddy is out of town," I grabbed all my clothes off my bed and put them in a pile. "Which means princess is the queen of her castle now." I sat down on my bed and started taking off my shoes.

"Tell me something Renny," Kyoya smirked. "If princess' panties are in my hand right now, what does princess have on underneath that skirt of hers."

"I'm not in the mood for this Ootori." I pulled off my shirt, revealing to him that I in fact had nothing on underneath my clothes. "Is there something you need?" I slipped out of my skirt and stood completely naked in front of him before grabbing my panties out of his hand and putting them on. Along with all my other clothes.

"There, actually is something I need. Ren I know I've been rude to you and I've also been selfish," he started. "But I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how I treated you and I'm sorry you went behind my back-"

"Woah! What! I went be hind your back? Kyoya we weren't even dating! We still aren't!"

"Does it matter?" He crosses his arms.

"Wha- yes it matters! Kyoya I'm not a baby, im not your girlfriend and you certainly aren't my dad. You only wanted me for sex and that's what you're getting. Nothing more, nothing less. Which means I'm not yours to boss around! I'm my own boss got it." I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and grabbed my shoes out of the closet.

"I don't remember you being so uptight."

"UPTIGHT? Have you met yourself?" I yelled. I was at this point pissed.

"Look... Ren I'm sorry-"Kyoya grabbed his hand in mind, trying to stop me from leaving. I can't stand him anymore!

"You know what Kyoya?! You're nothing but a horny, money sucking, backstabbing, no good-" I was stoped in my own thoughts. Kyoya's lips collided with mine as I was about to explode in rage, his eyes were closed as he forced his soft lips against mine. I could stop it, but I didn't want to. He got on my nerves yes, but there was no denying I cared about this boy. And I'm starting to think he cares for me too. Kyoya let go of me and I stood in front of him wanting more.

"I like you Renny, and I know my chances of ever being with you are very slim, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna stop trying to make you happy. Even if it means I'm giving you to someone else."

"Wait what?" Is Kyoya really saying this.

"I'll make something work, don't worry." He spoke as he brushed his hand over my cheek.

"Kyoya I-"

"Shh, the party's starting." He kissed me once more before he started kissing down my neck causing shivers to shoot up my spine. "Just remember, you still have to play me back for the uniform." He stop and winked at me before leaving me alone in my bedroom.

What the hell was he talking about? Does he really expect me to sleep with him if I'm dating someone else? I'm a loyal woman, I can't love two guys at once... right?

OOF HI so things are about to get SEXUAL!!! STRAP IN HOES

Hate Sex (Kyoya / Mori x reader) lemonWhere stories live. Discover now