The Tea

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- That Morning -
~Ren's POV~

I woke up with Kyoya spooning me, his arms wrapped around my body just like how we fell asleep last night. I looked to my right and noticed that the boy that fell asleep there last night was gone.

Did Mori leave in the middle of the night? Damn it! I quickly got out of bed and put on the closet thing I could find which turn out to be a dress shirt that wasn't mine. It was probably the one Kyoya was wearing last night at the party. I grabbed a clean pair of underwear out of my drawer and slipped those on as well. I looked back at the bed and sure enough Kyoya was still asleep. I walk over to the bed and knelt on top of it. I gently start pushing him to get up.

"Psst, Kyoya..."

(No response)

"Kyoya? It's time to get up."

(No response)

"Come on it's almost 11."

*grunt* He made unenthusiastic noise before he turned away from me.

"I don't recommend waking him up." Mori's tall half naked body leaned against my door frame, mug in his hand.

"Takashi, I thought you left." I was so happy to see him. It was like a weight off my shoulders knowing he didn't just leave without saying goodbye.

"I can't leave without my shirt." He smiled gesturing to me.

"What? Oh sorry." I got out of bed and began to unbutton the shirt.

"No it's okay, it looks good on you." He said walking into the room.

"Get a room." Kyoya groaned from the bed before putting a pillow over his head. I giggled at how sarcastic he can be sometimes.

"Here." Mori handed me the mug that was in his hand. It was full of tea. "I took the liberty of making tea this morning." I was a little taken back by this kind gesture.

"Oh! You didn't have to do that but thank you." We made our way out of my room and downstairs to give Kyoya some privacy. "If you made tea I guess I'll make breakfast." I set my tea cup Down on the table and walked over to the fridge and grabbed 4 eggs. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled you know that." I heard my brothers voice come from upstairs. I stoped dead in my tracks. FUCK HE DOESNT KNOW ABOUT ME AND-

"Oh, hey Mori!" My brother smiled as he sat down next to him at the table. "Did you forget your shirt at home?" He laughed.

"Uhh." Mori looked at me then back at Ri.

"And did you forget your pants Ren? We have a guest. Show some res- wait..." Ri looked at me up and down and then Senpai up and down.


"HOLY CRAP!" Ri's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Shhhh! Ritsu calm down!" I aggressively whispered.

"How did- When did- WHAT!" Ri pointed at me then at Mori. I ran over to him and grabbed his shoulders So he would stop shaking.

"I know I know shut up!" I kept whispering hoping to calm him down and not wake up the other man Ri doesn't know about who's literally in my bed as we speak. "Listen, Mori and I and been seeing each other secretly for awhile. Now you know our secret so try not to freak out okay."

"Okay... wow I never expected this. Anything else I should know about? Are you knocked up?" Ri laughed.

"You're an ass." I rolled my eyes and walked over to my frying pan, sprayed it and cracked my eggs. I watched from the corner of my eye as Mori got up and poured three more cups of tea. He walked over to Ri and handed him a cup before sitting down with his.

"Why did you pour three cups Senpai?" Ri asked as he stared at the cup on the counter. I turned to Mori and a blush came over his face.

"Uh it's mine!" I exclaimed grabbing the cup off the counter.

"Then who's is that?" Ri pointed to the half full cup on the table.

"Uhh haha that's also mine! You see I'm just really thirsty." I nervously laughed taking a sip from the fresh cup.

"Good morning everyone." Kyoya's voice came from the bottom of the stairs along with just his pants.

I nearly choked on my tea. FUCK.

"Uhhhhh... Yeah Ren... I bet you were thirsty." Ri said trying hard not to laugh as we all stared at the other half naked man in my kitchen.

I'm so screwed...

The sound of my brother clearing his throat snapped my out of my thoughts.

"Well I have training to do," Ri spoke as he grabbed his tea off the table. "You three love birds have fun cleaning up this mess. I'm out." I looked around at the rest of the house to find trash and empty cups everywhere.

"WHAT! You can't make us clean all this up. It was your party too, Ri!" I yelled In objection.

"Yeah well it seems fair to me considering you just slept with my friends and knowing so will traumatize me for life."

"He has a point." Kyoya chimed in.

"Don't take his side!"

"Anyways, have fun you three. I'll be back in a few hours." Ri waved as he walked out the door.

"Wow. What a perfect ass." I huffed. I walked back over to the stove where the eggs were and began cracking them.

"Speaking of asses," Mori spoke. "What made you stay the night." I watched as Senpai stared down the other man in the kitchen.

"Senpai, don't be so mean." I spoke softly.

"I'll have you know Mori-Senpai, Ren and I made up last night." Kyoya said as he sat down at the table. "Now is everything fixed? No. We still need to work on building our relationship back up. But I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid to love her." Kyoya reached over the table and grabbed the Cup of tea that Mori originally poured for him. "Seeing that you made me this cup of tea shows me that our friendship still has hope, Mori-Senpai."

"I guess it does." Mori smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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