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Kyoya's POV

It's Sunday and I haven't seen Ren in 2 days, I invited her over to help me finish with our Chemistry project, but really I just wanted to see her. She pulled up to the house about 2pm in a white sweater and some shorts, why the hell she way wearing a sweater in this heat I'll have no idea.

We made it into my room and she sat down on the floor, pulling everything out of her backpack and placing them on the coffee table. She shyly patted the floor next to her, telling me to sit down. I happily do so and she opens the book to the page we needed.

"So where do you wanna start?" She asked, she didn't look at me and she seemed to be acting rather odd. I moved her hair fire red hair out of her face, she slowly looked up at me and and a blush came across her face.

"Let's start here." I whispered, I pressed my lips against hers and she softly kissed back. My hands traveled up her sides causing her to shiver, I gently pulled her onto my lap. This kiss seemed different, it wasn't want, it was something else. Some kind of feeling I couldn't quite name. She cupped my face in her hands and mine rested on her hips. It felt so good to kiss without her trying to kill me, in fact she seemed just the opposite. It's like she's a whole other person. Like our whole past was a distant memory. I pulled up her sweater just a inch before our lips detached and I felt her hands pull it back down. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just don't feel good today." She said, pretending to hold her stomach.

"You know, you've always been the worst lier." I smiled a pit before grabbing her sweater and pulling it off. She immediately wrapped her arms around herself, trying to hide her beauty body from me. "You don't have to hide from me." I grabbed her arm and tried pulling it off her body.

"Please don't." She looked nervous as she pulled her arm back. She quickly got up and grabbed her sweater off the floor.

"What's going on."

"I'm just not in the mood." She said rushing to put her sweater, her arms went up and I watched as the fabric went over her head. My eyes widened as I slowly got up off the floor. I balled my fists and I felt my face start to heat up. I turned round and tried my hardest to contain myself. "K-Kyoya?"

"Take off your sweater." I shot at her. She didn't really have a-


"Take off the sweater." I said louder. This can't be happening again.


"TAKE IT OFF DAMMIT." I yelled and turned around. She looked at me in fear, she took a step back and stared at me. Her hands slowly reached for the bottom of her sweater, soon it came off and my heart not only stoped beating but broke. I felt like I failed, like I could have prevented this. Dammit Ootori! You fell for it again.

"Kyoya I-"

"Who gave you that." I stared at a purple and blue hickey right at the base of her neck, were I remember her sweet spot was. My hands started sweating and my whole body started to shake.

"I'm sorry."

"WHO?" I started to tear up, I thought she was different, that she grew up. I was wrong.

"Mori-Senpie." My heart dropped. Not again. No not again!!!

"You bitch!" I raised my hand up and was about to swing when I saw the look in her eye. It was the same look she gave me when...

***flash back to elementary***

"Today your gonna tell her, Kyoya! It's Valentine's Day so she needs to know now." I stood in the courtyard of the school as my classmates all had recess and played around me. I looked down at the flower I pulled out from the school garden, Lily's always were her favorite. "You gonna tell Ren you love her!" I gripped the flower in my shaky sweaty hand and took a deep breath. I knew were our hang out was, it was behind the slide in a small corner, that's were I know she would be. I slowly walked toward the slide, the nerves started to eat away at me. "You're ten Ootori! Get it together." I told myself.  I reached the slide and slowly poked my head around the corner, my heart dropped to my stomach. She kissed another boy, in front of me. Tears began sliding down my face, my heart began to pound out of my chest, I looked down that the lily and I lost it. "How could you!" I yelled. They both looked at me in shock. "You were mine Ren!" I threw the lily on the ground and stomped on it. "You were mine!"


"Why Ren. Why again." I lowered my hand and fell down onto my knees. I thought she knew how I felt, I've been wrong this whole damn time.

"Kyoya." She kneeled down next to me and put her arm on my back. I pushed her arm off me and my head collapsed into my hands. "Please, I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't fix what you broke, Ren. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAD TRUSTED YOU!" I grabbed the edge of the coffee table and before I could stop myself I flipped the table off.

"Look you never said I was yours, you never treated me like I was yours! I don't see what the big deal is!" She shouted back at me.

"I did clam you, you idiot. During recess, the first time you broke my heart."

"You were mine!"

Her eyes widen and a look of defeat came across her face. "K-Kyoya I'm sorry. I didn't know you-"

"You didn't know I loved you? Yeah, well now you do." I got off the floor. My heart started pounding once again and this time my blood started to boil. I grabbed her arm and pined her against my chest so she couldn't move. "I'm gonna show you how much you mean to me, Ren." I smashed my lips onto hers and I passionately fell into it. Eventually she gave in and kissed me back. At this point I wasn't sad or heart broken, no. I was angry, not at her, at myself. If she was really yours you would have never let another boy touch her. Our kiss became fiery, heated and full of lust. Our hands roamed each other's body's, this time was different. We both had anger to let out but most of all we both felt the same way. "You're mine, Ren. You're all mine." I whispered in her ear. Goosebumps came across her bare skin as held her close.

"Prove it."

Hate Sex (Kyoya / Mori x reader) lemonWhere stories live. Discover now