under te cardigan pt.2

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You kept on yelling at him and hit his back with your fists.
"Stop moving so much, you are going to slip and fall."
He said and continued making his way to your room.
You yelled at him and surprisingly this time he obeyed.
"Wow, thanks!"
You said and straightened your clothes.
"Now what was all that for?"
You asked and looked around. You were outside your room.
"The checking process."
He said and pointed at the sign above your room.
"Check is running today from 8:30 to 11:30 PM"
Your mouth got an "oh" shape.
You quickly apologised and bowed to him.
"No problem. Just stay in your room."
He calmly said and walked away.
You watched as he made his way to the end of the hallway and then stopped. He turned around an saw you still standing outside. A smile formed on his face as he shook his head and he turned around once again, continuing his way out of here.
You stood there frozen.
"Oh wow, he is handsome."
You whispered while unlocking the door of your room.

9:40 PM

Someone knocked on the door. You quickly ran to it and opened it without hesitating.
"Y/N-ah, I'm here to check on you."
It was Jin again.
"Yes, come in."
You let him in and closed the door. He pulled out a little notebook.
"Alright, turn around."
He said and you looked at him in confusion.
"Do as I say."
He said again super calmly. You turned around and heard him sighing in relief.
"Okay you are not the one we have been searching for."
He said and wrote your name on the notebook.
"So you still haven't got him...."
You said, kind of disappointed.
"No we are still searching."
He scratched the back of his head.
"Anyways, I will go now. We don't have much time left."
He said and walked out.
"See you tomorrow!"
He said and waved goodbye before completely disappearing in the room next to yours.

11:20 PM

"Kim Taehyung I swear this is the last time I'm going to call you tonight and it's your lost if you don't call me back immediately! Cuz I'm going to sleep!"
You said and were about to stop the voice mail when your heart took control over your body.
"I love you."
You said and stoped the voice mail.
You sighed as you plopped yourself on your bed and looked at the ceiling.
"Maybe he is sleeping..."
You were voicing your thoughts when you heard your phone ringing.
You shouted and picked up immediately.
"Babe! How are you?!"
You said and heard a chuckle from the other line.
"It's Jungkook. Jin told me to call everyone from the team and tell them to gather with the others in the big hall room."
He said and your heart skipped a beat.
You screamed at him, ready to see who was the one who was a threat to you.
"Yes and now I have to hang up because I have to call the rest of the team so..."
He said and you stood up, making your way to the door.
"Okay, thanks Kook!"
You said and hung up. Sprinting out, you quickly reached the hall room.


11:35 PM
Soon everyone was in the big hall room. It was dark and very difficult to find Jungkook but eventually you heard him screaming his lungs out while calling you to come.
You reached him and he grabbed your hand. He was shaking.
"Kook are you-"
"I'm excited, woman. Let me be!"
He said, his eyes never leaving the dark stage that usually was lighted with two projectors.
"But if you focus there-"
He pointed with his finger at the left part of the stage.
"-you can see a person and a cardigan on top if him."
He said and you focused there.
"Yes I can see him. Is that them?"
You asked and saw him nodding.
"Who would that be?"
You said and tightened your grip on his hand.
"Angels this is the person, who was with you and lied to you. This is the person. The traitor."
The man who was on the stage walked to the figure and pulled the cardigan.
"This, dear angels, is Kim Taehyung!"
He said and everyone gasped.
You and Jungkook said shocked.
During the time he was a traitor, or during the time the demon was with him, he was slowly turning into one demonic creature. He lied. He could have even talked you in joining him."
He said and walked to the other side if the stage.
And there stood your boyfriend. His head turned to the man who was speaking. His brown hair was nowhere to be seen - blonde hair took it's place. His brown eyes were sky blue and his ears were pierced. Taehyung's usual clothed were replaced by a robe. At the end you saw his feet and hands tied to the ground with chains.

Your legs gave up and you were going to fall to the ground if Jungkook didn't hold you. Yes you were that shocked. Tears gathered at your eyes when you realised that maybe the things he said were lies.
As you were rethinking everything you saw Taehyung turning his head your way. He saw you crying as you shook your head.
"I trusted you."
You mouthed and turned around ready to leave the hall room.
"Y/N, I'm coming with you."
Jungkook said and supported you while walking out.
Taehyung stood up and reached his hand your way.
"Y/N-ah! Wait!!!"
He said and was about to break free as two other angels caught him and tied him even more.
"And so it begins..."


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