The Aftermath

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"You will kneel before me and proclaim your love for your new god. Or you will be destroyed."

Dean looked across the room at Castiel. And it was at that moment that he realized, they were doomed. The souls, all those hateful, prideful, misguided souls. Trapped inside the angel.

He raised his eyes, no longer a clear green filled with hope, but a muted forest color, bursting with sadness, disbelief, and complete and utter...horror. Tears prickled them, ready to flow through. He took a shaky breathe and a half step forward.


And with that single word, a name holding more emotions than Dean could think possible, the dam broke. He shuddered as silent sobs racked his body. At this moment, he completely forgot about Sam, he forgot about Bobby and Raphael and Crowley and Meg.

A single tear hung from the tip of his nose. He blinked, more tears falling as Castiel speed towards him. The self proclaimed "god" wiped the tear away, the fluid running down the man's index finger as the two followed it's path.

The two men shared a look, a look that was full of longing, and desire for Cas. But clashed with the fear and regret in Dean's. Cas slowly turned his back on the men in the room and with a soft, almost undetectable flutter, disappeared to the ends of the world.

Dean snapped out of his gaze for the moment when Bobby clapped him on the shoulder. They didn't need any words at this time. Dean slowly pulled away to stand over the very still form of his brother.

Sam's chest heaved fast and irregular breaths while his mind attacked its self as the barriers protecting it fumbled weakly under the pressure of Sam's memories. He was lifted into the air, resting heavily between the support of his brother and his friend.

Bobby was more than just a friend to the two boys. He was a father in his own right. And with that, the fucked up and tormented family made of broken minds, tear soaked shirts, and whiskey breath, made its way out of the building, through its maze hallways and down to the parking lot outside.

Sam woke up briefly when Dean drug his feet on the stairs leading the way outside, causing the three men to stumble out. He looked up at the sky at the millions upon millions of stars decorating it.

Some people say that the universe was ever expanding. Ever, growing. Ever creating new life, new timelines, and new realities. Sam could only hope, that on another planet, somewhere revolving around another sun, had a better Sam and Dean Winchester, doing a better job at saving the day.

I really like this one. I'm probably gonna add a lot more to it tbh. Tell me what you guys think and don't forget to Vote and Comment


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