The Brothel (Smut)

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Dean clutched his chest as the angel led the way outside the brothel. The hunter wiped tears from his eyes as he laughed. He just couldn't stop. Castiel didn't understand Dean's reaction. He didn't understand the girl's reaction either.  He thought he was doing her a favour, instead she freaked out, as Dean put it and the two had to leave before anything else happened.

"Oh man, Cas. I can't take you anywhere."

The two strolled through the large city, not a destination in mind, but Dean wouldn't have been upset if they happened to pass by a bar. They walked for a few minutes more until Dean's wish was fulfilled. He dragged Castiel into the restaurant/bar pulling him into a small corner booth in the back. Waving over a waitress, Dean looked at Cas with lingering amusement in his eyes.

"Hey guys. My name's Angela and I'll be serving you guys tonight. Can I get you two anything to start with?" She said, pushing her clevage out towards Dean. The waitress was a beautiful woman with thick curves and blonde streaked hair that went well with her tanned skin tone, Castiel noticed. She was certainly a woman Dean would have been interested in taking back to his room.

Dean turned his attention away from Cas to raise his eyes to the waitress. To Cas's surprise, he barely glanced at her before placing their order. "Yeah. Two beers and a couple of the bacon burgers."

Castiel's eyes followed the young woman as she strutted across the bar. He hadn't missed the peeved look on her face as she had failed to grab Dean's attention. Dean's however, was caught on the grooves in the wooden table between them, running his thin fingers on the surface.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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