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The man lounged on the wooden bench with the broken leg. It was unloved, made of driftwood and rusted nails. Constructed about 40 years ago, it had been a beauty. But as time made its mark on the world, the seat wore down. Bending and cracking in the back, it had a leg made up of splinters and mud. It over looked the shores, watching the turquoise waves lick at the sand. The water came high on the beach, the tide caressing the bench when the moon was full. It was a beautiful sight.

The old piece of furniture has seen children grow up and bring their own. It has seen a drowning, a life saved, and hundreds of sandcastles. These days, older men and their loves sat upon it. Speaking of their days in the sun when bonfires and beer bottles littered the shore.

The sun slowly met the horizon, turning the pale blue of the sky to soft pinks and oranges for a few blessed minutes, before sinking below the ocean. The sky quickly filled with stars, lighting up the blacken sky.

He and Sammy used to love watching the stars. When they were little and the only thing they had to worry about was how much macaroni they had left, the two boys would sneak out and climb on the roof of whatever motel they happened to stay in for the night.

Dean would grip his little brother's hand and guide him to the constellations on the sky. From Aquarius, Dean's personal favorite, to Sirius, to the Big Dipper, which Sam insisted on being shown every night.

It was nice to be young and careless. Dean wished life could have been like that again. He knew Sam thought that as well. Life without the threat of angels and vampires. Just taking a moment, curled up under a blanket, basking in the light of the moon.

The young man turned his head as a shout peeked his interest. Dean broke into a smile, standing up and meeting the wave of his brother.

Sam stood over the rock pile made up of giant slabs of stone on Dean's right. His body was all wet, with his trousers rolled to the knee and sand sticking to his legs and face. Water slowly dripped onto the rocks below him, running a stream that filled back to the ocean.

Dean's heart thumped quickly, blood rushing through his ears (or was that the waves?) as a shorter man appeared behind Sam. He was in all essence, naked to Dean.

Cas was without his trenchcoat, as it had gotten too wet to wear, and was missing his shoes and socks and coat jacket. The former angel had his blue tie that Dean had picked out with the black stripes, loosely hung around his neck.

Just the sight of his two best friends was worth everything to the man. And Dean could live with that. He began his slow trek along the beach. He had always loved long walks.

Reaching the bottom of the rock pile, he gripped the hands of Cas and Sam, the two men pulling the hunter alongside them. The trio gave each other long looks filled with love and relief. This was not a place for sadness. The three men composed of a insomniac hunter, a demon druggie, and a fallen angel looped their arms around each other shoulders.

They all started off towards their future, the moon acting as their guiding light. Maybe dying wasn't so bad. At least they had each other.


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