A Night Filled With Liquor

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After the vampire nest had been destroyed, Dean had called his little brother back at the bunker to fill him in on the night's success. After dropping off his baby at the motel he downed a drink, watching Cas stare awkwardly at him.


"I am not 'Dude' Dean."

"Dude. You've GOT to stop it with all the looks."

"What do you mean, Dean?"

"I mean the you're-a-puzzle-I'm-just-dying-to-put-together look you're giving me."

Castiel looked up at the ceiling fan, spinning slowly above the two men. It did nothing to help the suffocating air in the stuffy room the boys would be forced to share.


Dean sighed, rubbing his free hand down his eyes, still holding the crap bottle of whiskey that had been previously stashed underneath the passenger's seat in the Impala. He looked at the amber liquid sloshing the sides before an idea came to him. Curling his bow shaped lips into a smirk directed at Cas, he tipped the thin bottle into his waiting mouth. It slid down his throat with trouble. He gagged at the cheap, bitter taste.

"Ok. I've got an amazing idea. You. Me. Bar. I'm gonna take you drinking. And we are gonna get so plastered, we won't remember our names by the end of the night."

Castiel already knew a drinking Dean was a bad idea, but he also knew a lonely drinking Dean was even worse. He let a sigh slip out of his mouth as his blue eyes ran over the figure of Dean.  Being the approximate same height and weight of the man, Cas knew under normal circumstances, ie, if he was human, he would get as drunk as Dean would. But he knew his grace would burn off the alcohol almost as soon as it entered his vessel. So maybe, getting drunk with the man wasn't such a bad idea. After all, he was better suited to look after him, than Dean was himself.

Cas nodded his head and turned to the man before him. "Alright. I'll go with you."

Dean looked surprised at the angel's answer, but assured him that this was the thing to finish the night. "That's my boy."

The pair started their way down the sidewalk, the distant sounds of horns and yells filled the air. But the only sound Cas could hear was the sound of his own blood pumping an erratic beat in his ears as Dean slung his arm over the angel's shoulder.

The man stared happily ahead, unaware of the effect he had on his friend beside him. Dean was content in this moment. A night out with Cas, ready to drink until dawn. He had always wanted to take Cas out drinking. He chuckled to himself, remembering the incident at the Roadhouse.

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