chapter 4

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           She looked just like me, only her eyes, they were cold, they were ice blue.

   " You always did have youre fathers eyes, brown beautiful eyes. Youre so grown up, and you look lovely." She said. Her voice, it was still soft and gentle.

  " Mom?" i asked still not beliving it was her.

   " Yes, im am very sorry. I gave you away and made youre like so difficult." she said as tears escaped her eyes.

     I dont know why, but i was crying too.

       " But, i left you with her because you found Dakota, and hes your true love, and now you're awake. I finally was able to find you."  She said.

     Dakota, so it was planned. I was raised by these crule parents only to find joy in him. There was only one reason i was raised by her. It was all to find him, the cute little boy who would never let me play with him, but yet he was kind and caring, and he was the worst lier because his eyes told it all.

     " You do love him, dont you?" She asked.

    " Of courese, i mean i started to hate him, but when he kissed me, the world became cleare and i loved him. He kept a secret from me-"

   " No, im sorry that was also planned, you see, nothing ever happened at that party." Alexs dad interupted.

    Now i was shocked, i must have really hurt him, he must be heart broken.

       " Look honey, im staying here with you and im going to make up for the years ive not been in youre life." she said.

   " What about my father?" i asked.

  " Oh, hes out with his pack. He will be back soon, but i cant wait for you to see him, you may look more like me but you act like youre father." She  said.

   I ran out to hug Dakota, i was still crying. He wiped away my tears with his finger, " Nayomi, please dont cry," he said.

    I hugged him tighter, being in his arms felt right, and safe. I was warm, and comfertable.

       " Dakota," i said.

  He looked up, " Yes," he said his eyes were a light brown.

    " I love you,"  I said, his eyes got wide.

  " I- I love you too,"  he said.

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