chapter 6

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            I was sitting on my bed, thinking about a baby. I dont  think i'll stop till i talk with Dakota face to face. Should i really have a kid? I mean i want to be married first, and i want to know if Dakotas my true love.

             " Hey, whats up," Dakota climbed on the bed.

          " Stop reading my mind!" i yelled!

        " Hey, i dont read it all the time, i do give you youre momma," he luaghed.

  I hit him in the arm. He looked up, the smile from his face fadded slowly, he sat up.

             " You okay babe? Are you seriously thinking about having a mini me around the house, a cute little Nayomi?" He said half joking.

            " Yeah. But i want to be married, and i know i can trust you to stay with me if im pregnate," i said.

           " I wouldnt leave you for anything, i could be dieing and i wouldnt go to a hospital," he said.

         " Now youre just being stupid," i said.

      " No im just being me. Look, we dont have to have one now, unless you want to. And id really like to marry you, i just need a ring," Dakota said.

           I kissed him on the cheek, " Youre too sweet," i said and went to Tamishas room.

   Shes really far along, but she doesnt look like it, its strange.

               Tamisha was in bed trying to sleep. " Wheres Skyler?" i asked?

     " I dont know, but this babys keeping me awake," she said.

I sat on the bed beside her. I always could imagine her having a baby, she was always loving and mothering.

     " Does it hurt?" I asked.

        She smiled, " No, it just kicks. It will hurt once you give birth, but im ready for it. I cant wait to have this baby," she said rubbing her stomach.

        " How bad will it hurt?" I asked?

    She luaghed, " Dont tell me youre wanting a baby," she said.

     " Well- i dont know. I want to be married first, but one day i want one," I said.

     " I could only imagine Dakota, hed freake out," she said.

" Whys Dakota freaking out?" Skyler asked coming in the room.

 " You know, Nays pregnate," Tamisha said.

   " Woah congrats," Skyler said.

  " No, im not pregnate," i said.

 " But, you want to be," Skyler said.

" Well, i dont know," i said/

 " Dakota, Nay wants a baby!" Skyler shouted down the hall.

     Dakota came in the room, "o, we just discussed this, after we are married," he said.

" Youre lucky, you have an amazing girlfriend," Skler said, " But, not as great as mine."

           I went back to my bedroom, it was funny. My little family. The family i never knew about, and my boyfriend, or i guess my soon to be husband.

                 i hope you like it so far!

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