chapter 9

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       Its been a few monthes, and Tamishas bellys big, mines getting there. Tamishas babys going to be a few months older than mine, for her the baby could come any da now, i have like three monthes to go. Dakota is freaked out, hes been talking to my stomach all the time, and its a baby boy, were going to name him Damon.

     Tamishas excited for her baby, but Skyler was freaked just like Dakota. When thebaby kicks, hes ready to call 911.

            Altough, tonight, see needed 911. We rushed her to the hospital, and she was in labor for 3 or four hours. and then she finally had the baby, of course Mr. tough guy balled his eyes out. But she had a healthy baby boy, he had brown eyes and brown hair. Dakota was fasinated by the baby.

          After a long 3 hours, we all went home and slept. When i woke up i saw Dakota sitting on the edge of the bed, just sitting there.

    " Dakota," i said he turned.

      " Are you okay?" He asked?

   " I could ask you the same thing," i said.

  " I was just thinking, what Tamisha did, no man could do that or even close. For a women to bring a living child into this worl, its a miricale, and some women can die," he said.

   " Only ill women, besides, you helped make the baby," i said.

  " Yeah, but its coming out of you, and i just think its strange," he said.

 " Ill be fine," i said.

        He talked to my tummy some more, the things he said, it was cute and funny. But i was lieing to him, i wasnt going to be okay, i had a bad feeling about this, a horrible feeling. I think the babys coming early, three months earlie. I didnt want to freake him out, and i wasnt sure.

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