chapter 5

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            I really dont understand how my life could change so fast, now im in love with my childhood best friend, oh and im a leader of a pack, my real mom and dad found me and im living with them and Dakotas moving in too. My lifes great.  Now, the packs sitting in my backyard, laying in the grass, me and Dakota holding hands.

     " Hey, i dont think i imformed you and Kota about something," Tamisha said.

     " What?" i asked?

         Skyler and her luaghed, " We're pregnate!" She exclaimed!

             I sat up aburptly, i was facing her. " What?! Really?!" i exclaimed!

    Shw nodded, her eyes lit up, i dont think ive ever seen her so happy, " Oh, youre mates right?" i asked?

     " Yep! Our little babys gonna be so cute!" she exclaimed.

    " Congrats dued," Dakota said to Skyler.

  " It might be time you two think about setteling down and having a kid, it is after all mating season,"  Skyler said.

       I blushed, the thought of it scared me, but in a way it was nice to know he would stay there with me and the baby. Kota being a father, i could imagine it. He was blushing.

   " I dont think we are ready for that, i mean we did just start dating,"  Kota said.

         I wonder if one day he would want a baby, it would be a cute baby. He'd be such a cute father, holding a baby in his arms.

   'What are you thinking about Nay?' Dakota was saying to me in my head.

   ' Nothing, its not important.'

 ' Mmmm, you know i can see what youre thinking.'

     I blushed. ' Im sorry.'

 ' Why? You'd be a good mom, i'd be hopeless.'

  ' No,i think you would raise a propper kid, theyd be sweet like you too.'

       We both stared at each other, his eyes were a light brown, meaning he was happy. i loved him, so much. And i wouldnt trade him for the world, because hes my mate and we are meant to be together.

      " Mom wants me to help her make dinner," i said getting up and runing in the house.

  My mother looked peaceful and happy. Ihad a real family now, and a boyfriend i was ment to marry, and maybe have children with. I helped mom.

    " So, its mating season, areyou and Kota thinking about having a kid?" She brought it up softly.

   " What?1?! No! I mean maybe one day but-"

   " Hey, whats going on, makinn' supper? Mmmm," Skyler walked in the house followed by the pregnate Tamisha and Alex and Dakota.

     " Yes, i hope youre hungry, knowing you, youre starving," mom luaghed.

  Skyler was a pig, but i think he'd have some compation with his girlfriend, babys need to eat too, and ushually she hardly eats.

    " I'd say youre lucky Kota, youre girl can cook, mine makes charcole," Skyler said.

 "  I'd watch youre mouth if i were you," Kota said back.

  A smirk grew upon Skylers face, " Oh, are you saying i have a big mouth?" 

   " Now you assumed that all on youre own," Dakota said smiling.

  " You wanna go pretty boy? Im sure i could beat youre ass in a heartbeat," Skyler challenged.

             They both got in fight stance.

   " Not in the house! Take it outside," my mom yelled.

         They both went outside, they got in their wolve forms and played rough. Dakota would win, he may not have the blood of a leader in him like Skyler, but hes strong and smarter than Skyler when it comes to stradegy.

      " Why is he so ignorent, obviously Kotas going to win," Tamisha even knew.

     " He just wants to feel strong, its a male thing," i said.

  They both came in the house panting, " You may have won this round pretty boy, but next time-"

    " I'll still win. Syler, you have no skill when it cames to fighting, you go at it wildly, if you planned ahead then it wouldnt be a problem," Dakota said.

     We all sat down for dinner, Kat couldnt make it because she was sick.

          We had normal discousion, Tamisha kept going on about her baby, and i noticed Dakota was blushing too.

   ' Do you really want a kid?'

 ' I dont know, i mean not right now.'

        I felt a sharp pain on my shen, " Stop talking to Kota, this is important," Tamisha said.

              She went on about the baby and me and Dakota luaghed quietly. Skylers gonna have a hand full. 

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