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I still remember that day. The best day.The day that changed my life.The day I met Fangs Fogarty.


I was walking along Sweetwater River when I saw a boy skipping rocks,what you might be thinking is why I was out there by myself, My brother was out with Jughead and Betty, while I was at the house alone and bored, so I thought I'd take a walk, but not without my small backpack,it had food and a fist aid kit,I sat by the water, just hearing the the splashes from the rocks, till he broke the silence "Hi" he turned to me,"Hey" it was silent again I broke it."My names Ava what's yours" He came and sat next to me with a cocky smile plastered on his face,"Fangs Fogarty" He held his hand out,It wasn't till now that I realized his bruises and cuts on his face,"Are you ok?" I asked scooting closer to him so I could see better,"Y-yeah just a fight at school" I took off my back pack, got out the little kit, and started cleanng his cuts, he looked at me the whole time, with the same smirk on his face, when I was done we sat there for a while in silence, "Are you hungry?" I said getting some chips, a soda and candy out of my bag, he nodded and took some candy. We were there for 4 hours that day, talking, asking each other questions and skipping rocks, it had been the best day of my life, I finally had a friend who understood my humor,that could make me laugh till I'm crying, I had a shoulder to cry on. It was getting dark and I had to leave "I have to go bye Fangs" I said running, "Bye!" He shouted back, I ran towards him and turned him around " Meet me here tomorrow okay?" He nodded, and that continued the next 6 years.

Flashback over

"Yo Andrews!" I look over to my right right "ah Fogarty good to see you" I go up to hug him "So when do you have to go?" He asked "In about 10 minutes".
We come here eveyday and talk, he doesn't want the Serpents to know about me because of the stupid rivalry thats been going on, me on the other hand I don't care, Fangs has become such a big part of my life but i'll respect his wishes, "Crap! I'm late for work. Meet here at 4?" He nods and kisses my head while I walk back to my car, where I have to go to Pop's, the small 50s themed diner.

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