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I start walking to Pop's admiring my ring, when I finally approach the small diner, there's writing on it. 'DEATH DINER'. It says death diner, Pop's had been losing business ever since the incident with my dad. I still work here, I'm not gonna leave, no matter what. I see Jughead enter the empty diner, he looks around till his eyes lock on me. "Hey Jug" "Hey Av-" "Did you see? Did you see what they wrote on my Chock'lit Shoppe?" Pop's says as he rubs his head, while I rub his back, "Ava you can go home if you want" Pop says turning to me, I just nod and take off my apron, and go back out the door. I walk back into a very Smokey house, with Archie trying to cook breakfast, "Where were you?" He says getting burnt toast out of the smoking toaster, "At work, what are you doing?" "Making Dad breakfast" then I hear coughing, near the stairs and I turn to see my dad walking towards us, "Do we need a fire extinguisher?" My dad says trying to fan away the toxic fumes, " What're you doing up? I was going to bring you breakfast. " Archie says jumping around trying to get everything done. "You call that breakfast?" I say in a teasing tone, while my brother just glares at me. "Ava be nice," I role my eyes at my dad's comment, "I appreciate it, son. But I've gotta get used to moving around sometime." He says walking around Archie, then Archie takes a swig of an energy drink, "Little early for that isn't it?" My dad says referring to the drink, " Yeah it is, now if you don't mind I'll be going" I start walking up the stairs to my room, where I change into a more comfortable outfit when I get a text from Fangs.

wanna go for a ride?


Yea meet me on the bridge😊

I start getting dressed in a blue Adidas sweatshirt, black leggings, and brown Bearpaw boots, with French braids. I grab my phone. When Fangs and I go on these 'Rides' we usually go to Greendale, or somewhere, and we sit and talk. I walk back downstairs and both boys look at me in confusion "Ave where are you going?" Arch says walking towards me while my dad sits on the couch awaiting my answer. "Just for a walk," I say heading towards the door. I managed to get passed Archie and I'm on my way to the bridge where we meet.
I see Fangs leaning against his bike, looking around when his eyes meet mine, he does his famous Fogarty smirk, but a few seconds later his face softens, "Hey" he walks up to me and wraps me in a hug, " How's your dad" he asks pulling away, "He's fine, he's walking around now so that's good" I say laughing a bit at the end, "So, where are you taking me" "If it's ok, can we just go to my trailer, I don't really feel like going to Greendale today" "Yea, thanks by the way" "Anything for you" he says handing me a helmet.


Ava walks in my room and flops on the bed, all spread out "Ughhhh" she groans, "Scoot. What's wrong Ave?" I say as she repositioned herself so she's now laying on my stomach, while I stroke her hair, or attempt to, because of her braids, "Just everything... Except you" she says looking up at me slightly "Can you play with my hair" She says grabbing my hand that's on the top of her head, "Your hair is already braided" "Just take them out" she says sitting up completely "Fine" I say trying to pretend to be annoyed, but I can't help but smile with her. She takes her hair out, and puts on music, and lays down in the same position. "Shit!" She screams suddenly, "What? Are you ok? What's wrong?" " I have school" she says, I finally realize why SP has been so quiet, he's at school, damn it. "Crap, um... Ok I can give you a ride" "Yea okay thank you" we basically run out the door for me to get her there, I honestly don't care if I'm late, but she can't be late her brother and Dad will freak.


"Thank you so much" I say while handing Fangs the helmet, "No problem, and are you sure you don't just wanna ditch" "I would but I can't, because someone will start to get suspicious" I say kissing his cheek, and with that he drives off, back to the Southside, while I enter Riverdale high.
I walk outside and instantly see my brother and the rest of the core four. Archie waves for me to come over, so I walk over and Jug is talking about something. "He says he's not sure how long hell be able to keep the doors open, maybe not even a week" Jug says as he fiddled with his hands, "Who are we talking about?" I say sitting down next to Betty , "Pop's" Betty whispers in my ear, "Its because of what happened to my dad. People are freaking out. And I gotta be honest, guys, I don't see myself going back any time soon" "What?" I say looking at him, " Are you serious? Archie Pop's is like the best place in town" I say in a serious time "Yea Ava I'm serious, and I can't believe you still work there" he says, I'm about to blow up on Archie but Betty intercepts "Ava is right. I'm hearing acceptance. I'm not letting one psychopath with a gun dictate what happens to our place." " Thank you, Betty" I say while I fiddle with my ring, while Betty continues "Jug, you went crazy trying to save the drive-in." " I can't take on any more social issues right now. My hands are full." he says "With your dad of course. And he should be your priority. I'll take point on helping Pop Tate." Betty says running Jughead's shoulders "I'll help to Betty. Hey, anything to get me away from my parents, I'm in." Veronica says laughing at the end, "Another B+V team-up. They should really make a video game about you guys." Jug says smiling at both girls, I see Veronica look in my direction and smile "Actually, the first ever, A,B, and V team-up" Veronica says as she grabs my hand which causes me to look up "No Veronica it's fi-" "No excuses" she tells me, everyone at the table is looking at me awaiting my answer "Alright let's do it" I say gripping her hand back. "I gotta jet. I'm off to meet my dad's court-appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriff's station." Jughead says as he gathers his stuff and stands up. "I'm gonna come with you Jug. I gotta drop some flyers off for Sheriff Keller " we all silently wave goodbye to the boys. And we try coming up with a plan to save Pop's. So me of my best memories are at Pop's, Fangs and I we used to come her a lot, and almost got caught by Archie a bunch of times.


I'm upstairs in my room when I hear a creak down stairs, I assume it's Archie, so I walk downstairs to check and see what he's doing, and I see him walking towards the door, he sees me and tells me to be quiet, I start walking behind him, and a figure steps into the house, Archie is ready to swing while I have my phone, 911 on speed dial, then we see it's Jughead, "Oh my god I hate you guys" I say while I storm back upstairs to my little getaway.


I'm at Sweetwater River, trying to clear my head, when I hear a rock move behind me, I freeze for a moment, grabbed a rock and turned around slowly, and I see Fangs with him laughing hysterically, "Not Funny!" I yell at him, while he continues laughing. "I'm sorry, but it is funny, like you have to admit that" he finally stops laughing, and goes to hug me while I just stand there, "Aw, come on are you mad at me" he says getting in my face "yes" I say trying my hardest not to laugh "Would you still be mad if I said I bought you some food" he says holding up a bag of Pop's, I turn to face him and I wrap my arms around his torso, while he just laughs again.
"Did you hear about Pop's?" He says taking a bite of his burger, "Yea it's closing, but Betty, Veronica, and me are trying to get it to stay open" I say taking his fries, He just rolls his eyes while we continue eating. "Now as much as I love spending time with you, I have to get to school" I say getting up and off the rock that we were seated on, "Would you like a ride?" " You know me so well" I jump on the back off his bike, and we ride to Riverdale High's back entrance.

Pt.1 of episode 2.

want to start a kevin keller book.
So tell me if I should publish it.

𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎.   fangs fogartyWhere stories live. Discover now