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"Hey Pop Tate" I walk into my workplace greeting my boss and my co-workers, I turn to see my father and brother, Fred Andrews and Archie Andrews, in a booth. My dad waved at me signaling for me to come over "Hey boys what can I get you" I say while taking out the order pad out of my apron pocket "Just the usual thanks Ave" Archie says while smiling at my dad. I go to the kitchen hand Pop the order and re-stock the ketchup and mustard when a man comes in wearing a black hood and holding a gun, " Who's in charge here! Where's the safe!" The unknown man says "Ava get behind me, There is no safe" Pop says stepping in front of me, "You've got a safe. Show me where it is!" He yells at Pop Tate "He said there isn't a safe now get your stupid money and go!" I scream I step from behind Pop so that I'm in front, and he points the gun at me, I suck in a sharp breath and put my hands up, "Show me where the safe is!" He yelled, and from the corner of my eye I see Archie looking from behind a window, My dad stood up and he pointed it at him, he put his hands up "Give me your wallet!" He said walking towards my dad, his eyes widened as he came closer, then Archie jumped in front of him, I closed my eyes and prayed, and I heard a gun fire.

I open my eyes to see my dad laying on the ground bleeding while Archie tries to put pressure on the wound, I run over to Archie, tears pouring from my eyes "A-archie p-put pressure on it, Pop call an ambulance NOW!" I yell. We waited for a few minutes in silence, except for Archie's heartbeat, my sobbing and my dad's raspy breathing, "Screw it get in the truck Ava", I just nodded in response and ran to the truck. A few minutes later Archie puts dad in my lap, starts the car and drives, while I try to cover his wound. My dad started groaning and touching the windows "It's gonna be okay dad we're almost at the hospital, just hang in there". Before I knew it we were at the hospital, I was helping Archie drag my dad's almost lifeless body across the hospital hallway,"Help! Help me and my dad!" Archie yelled, a nurse came over yelled for a gurney and my dad was gone. It wasn't it until now that I realized how much of his blood me and Archie were covered in, it wasn't until now that I broke down crying hysterically until I felt a pair arms around me. I looked up to see Archie crying too. "You go call Betty, I'll be fine, I love you, Archie, so much, don't forget it" I said kissing his nose "I love you to Ava, Dad's going to be okay I promise" he said, kissed my forehead and ran off down the hallway, I went outside to call Fangs.

"Hey Ave, What's wrong? Are you okay? Can you still come?"
"No I can't, I'm sorry Fangs"
"Have you been crying?"
"My dad was just shot, at Pop's"
"Holy shit, Ava, I'm sorry"
"If you want SP won't be home for a while, you can come over and cry to me"
"*Laughs softly* Okay I'll be there in an hour or so, Love you bye"
"Love you"

My heart skipped a beat when I heard him say that, every time he said it, I know he means it in a friendly way but I can't help but wonder if it would be so bad if we were together, I love him so much, and I have since we were 13, after we kissed, yes my first kiss was with my best friend.


"Ava, have you ever kissed anyone?" Fangs says turning towards me "No have you" I say looking back at him, "No but I've always wanted to see how it felt, Sweet Pea says the feeling is good" "That's what my brother says too" I say, Archie and Betty kissed in the second grade, while I still haven't kissed anyone,"Why are we talking about kissing?" I asked him, "Because I was thinking, that maybe we should... I don't know maybe..." "Kiss each other" I finish for him as he nods, "Fine, but just to get it over with" I clarify, while he nods in response. We sit so that we're facing each other, he cups my cheeks and presses his soft plump lips against my slightly chapped ones, we stayed like that for about 15 seconds, and he pulled back slowly still cupping my cheeks, "Wow... That was-" "Amazing" I say in a voice that's just above a whisper.

𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎.   fangs fogartyWhere stories live. Discover now