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~So it's going to be on Addy's POV for the next chapter or two, so keep that in mind~

This is so exciting. Me, going to VidCon! YAAAASS. I get to meet all my favorite youtubers! The best part is, is that my best friend, Jolie is coming also! But she's driving in another car.

*On the phone with Jolie*
(I'm A she's J)

A: How much longer do we have to drive. Oh my lord.
J: Hang in there Addy. We'll be there soon, don't worry.
A: This is so tiring.
J: It's worth it though right? Just imagine us, together, standing next to the most attractive boys ever.. Kian and Connor.
A: Don't make me loose focus off the street, man. God.

-Soon later we hung up and arrived in LA-

Jolie was cut off by a huge hoard of girls screaming outside of the hotel we were staying in.

We tried to get through but it was pretty tough. Soon, the pile of girls spread into two, exposing 6 boys walking through.. now was our chasing. I looked over at Jolie and her greenish-blue eyes pierced into mine. We had the same idea. We started running. We got about 5 feet away from the boys and the doors to the hotel when we were knocked off our feet, leaving us laying on the ground in pain. Jolie rolled over, holding her side. I looked up to see two body guards standing I front of us, blocking the doors. "Back away, miss." "We're just trying to get into the hotel," Jolie said innocently, while holding up our two land yards with our VidCon passes on them, "This is where we are staying." "Oh, I'm sorry.." He looked at our names,"Miss Mayer and Ashby." He made a pathway for us. We nodded and smiled at them, walking to the doors, passing by the boys. I swear I just Connor and Kian wink at us. I'm probably just imagining things.


So we checked in and everything seems to be going well. Jolie just ordered pizza and I'm out of the room to get some sodas from the vending machine.

I walk up to the machine of drinks. Jolie doesn't like soda so I just got her some tea. As I was getting my Root Beer that was officially stuck and not coming out, I felt a tap on my shoulder. At first, I was scared half to death because I'm just a small, 17 year old. You never know, it could have been a rapist! But no, It's the internet famous Kian Lawley..

"Need some help?" He asks, smiling the most adorable smile EVER.
"U-Um, yah..thanks." I say, hiding my obviously red face with my blonde/brown, curly hair.
He laughs and I hear some coins clink together and two thuds.. I look up at bleach blonde haired boy, smiling from ear to ear.
"Thanks.." I smile shyly. As I walk away he mumbles something softly.
"What was that?" I ask.
"U-Um..What room are you in?" He asks shyly.
I giggle a bit and smile. "Room-125. See ya around."
I don't know why but I felt like after a minute I could really talk to him like I've known him for a while.


I arrive at the room with the biggest grin I could ever have pealed on my face.
"Oooohh. What's got you in THAT kind of mood?" Jolie questions, knowing something interesting happened.
"Oh nothing. Justisawkianlawleyandgavehimusourroomnumber.." I say quickly.
"YOU WHAT?! NO WAY. ADDY THIS IS AMAZING. WHAT IF HE COMES OVER HERE AND-" I interrupted her by throwing a pillow at her face.

Jolie's obviously the Fan Girl here. I'm sort of. But more of a tom boy. Yah yah. "Tom Boy". I consider myself one, not to feel cool. just who I am.

We picked out World War Z and Frozen to watch with our pizza. I didn't even realize the movies were over, I was too busy caught up in my thoughts about Kian. His perfect smile, bleached blonde hair with blue streaks, his jaw line, fashion sense, and much more. He's just.... Perfect.


Hey guys,

Here's a little description of Jolie and Addy!

Jolie: Brown wavy hair with a bit of blonde, greenish-blue eyes, medium sized, girly, addicted to tumblr. Loves: YouTube, sweaters, tea, books, winter, penny boarding, high waisted shorts, tees(sometimes), converse.

Addy: Blonde curly/ wavy hair with some brown, deep blue eyes, short, tomboy. loves: jeans, shorts, muscle tees, plaid sweatshirts, vans, penny boarding, nickle boarding, long boarding , and books.


That was Chapter 2, hope you liked it. Please Vote and Comment!


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