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Just so you  know, this is going to be a very short yeah, sorry.

~Connor's POV~

She cried into my shoulder as I hugged her tightly.

"Y-You don't understand." She sobbed.

"Shh, I know, I know." I said, trying to calm her down.

I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

She started to calm down and looked up at me.

She forced a smile as I cupped her chin with my hand, wiping the tears with my thumb.

We cuddled for a few minutes until she fell asleep in my arms. I layed her down on my bed, I got up and looked down at her, "I'm so sorry, Jolie."

I ordered some pizza for when she wakes up and an iced tea sence she doesn't like soda.

While she slept, I checked my twitter and saw a picture of Jolie and I kissing.

"How'd that get on there?" I asked myself quietly.


Soon the pizza got here and I payed and left it out on the bed.


Once Jolie got up, I turned on the TV and we ate the pizza together.

"Hey.." I said, nudging her.

"Whaatt?" She whinned.

"Let's make a video." I said back, smiling.

She smiled back and I set up my camera.

I started the video and did my intro,

"Hey guys! What's up, it's Connor! And I'm here with Jolie, my lovely girlfriend." I said, kissing her cheek.

She blushed and waved to the camera, "Hey guys."

I looked over at her, picked her up and put her on my lap..

"Sorry, if she's not as perky as usually..shit's been going down"

She giggled and smiled lightly at the camera.

"So today, we're doing an #AskConnorAndJolie and we got some weird tweets.."

"Really weird." Jolie said, looking at my phone.

"Okay, first question." I gave Jolie my phone and she read off, "How long have you guys been dating?"

"Ohh, a clean one.." We laughed a bit, "Um..Only a few days."

We smiled and I read off another tweet, "Connor, are you a virgin?"

Jolie stared at me and asked, "Yeah, Connor. Are you?"

I smirked and said, "Actually, yes." And winked at the camera.

She smiled and once we finished the video, we went back to watching TV and having a great night.


Yeah, very short chapter. I just wanted to make a cute chapter for Jolie.

Please vote and comment. Means a lot.




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