Part 22

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I was packing for the trip today and saw that Calamity was waiting for me. "Are you almost done?" Calamity said. "Yes". I said. I finished packing and put some stuff for Fawn in his area of my room that includes food, water, and cleaned out his area to use the bathroom and cleaned his bed to hold him for a month. I went downstairs with Calamity to see all the boys. "Hey What are we gonna do while your away?" Marcus said. "Well.... since there will be no school for a month. I suggest you all go home to see your families. Anneka already knows the spell to transport you back to your world". I said and Anneka nodded in agreement. "When it's time for you all to come back, I shall contact Anneka". I said. They nodded and heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Jonathan. "Hello Jonathan". I said. "Hey I'm here to take you guy to where me and the guys are meeting up in the camp grounds".He said. "Oh Alright then". I said. "Me and Teddy will miss you Marissa". Damien said. "I will miss the both of you too. All of you I shall miss". I said. I left the house with Jonathan and he got into a.... machine thing. "What is this? I believe this is called a car". I said. "Yeah it is. Come on". He said and I got in and put my belongings in the back. "You ready?" Jonathan said. I nodded and soon the car started to drive off.
"Look we're here!" Jonathan said. I looked outside and saw how the area looks. It is beautiful. I then saw a sign that says 'WELCOME TO CAMP SLEEPY HOLLOWS'. "Hmph". I said. The car stopped and me and Jonathan got off. I grabbed my belongings and so did Jonathan and we were soon greeted by the Vanoss Crew. "Ugh you actually showed up?" Tyler said. "Be quiet WildCat". Jonathan said. Then suddenly their maidens came over. I thought they weren't coming. They probably only said that so that Alaric won't come. Seems smart. "Ugh she's here". Simone said. Then suddenly some unfamiliar boys came over. "Hey guys!" One of them said. "Hey". Jonathan and his friends and maidens said. Then they looked at me. "Who's she?" The first guy said. "This is Marissa. Marissa theses are some more of my friends. That's Panda". Jonathan said pointing to the first guy wearing a animal hat. "Smii7y". He said pointing to the 2 guy wearing different color eye wear. "Chilled Chaos". He said pointing to a guy wearing a red hat with a 'M' on it. "Four-Zero-Seven". He said pointing to a boy with brown hair and wearing a gray clothing shirt. "Ohmwrecker". He said wearing a Omega mask. "And Cartoonz. I consider him as a brother". Jonathan said pointing to a guy wearing a red clothing. "Pleasure to meet you Marissa. May I say, you looking lovely". Cartoonz said and grabbed my hand and pressed his lips on my knuckles then pulled away. I've seen father do this to mother. So it must be ok. I smiled. "Your manners are admirable". I said and then looked at the 'bullies'. "You could learn a thing or two from Cartoonz, boys". I said. "Let's just get to the cabin". Evan said annoyed. We all started walking and stopped in front of a wooden house. I think this is called a cabin.

We went inside and we all picked out a room

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We went inside and we all picked out a room. My room had a view so it's nice. I decided to change into something comfortable. I opened my bag and grabbed some clothing. I wore a gray shirt that says 'I WOULD PREFER NOT TO', black short, mahogany red long socks, black boots, and a black cloak. (Ignore everything else)

I then heard a knock at the door

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I then heard a knock at the door. "C'mon in". I said. The door opened then closed. I sensed who was presented in my room. Jonathan. I turned around to see Jonathan with his face all red. "Are you ill this time Jonathan?" I said. "N-No. Y-You just.... um.... look really pretty". He said. "Why thank you". I said putting my dirty clothes in my bag. "Um everyone is in the living room. C'mon". He said. I nodded and we left my room and went into the living room. I didn't realize it but it started to get dark outside. The 'bullies' looked at me angrily while the people I just met smiled. I sat on the arm chair while Jonathan sat with Cartoonz. "So since we are supposed to bond. How about we tell spooky stories?" Chilled said. Everyone agreed. Tyler was telling some spooky stories. They are not scary at all. "Marissa, you look bored with this". Smii7y said. "That's because I am". I said. "Oh you think you have better stories?!" Tyler said. "No way! She's a freak!" Lauren said. Moo AKA Brock's girlfriend. "Everyone shush! Marissa please tell us a story". Panda said. "Alright. I shall tell a tale. This tale has been told to me where I've came from. It's an urban legend called The Curse Of The Banshee". I said. "What the hell is a Banshee?" Marcel said. "A Banshee is a female spirit who lives by a river. It has a appearance of an old hag but they are capable to change themselves to look as young and beautiful as they choose. If you hear a Banshee wail or keen, it's telling you........ that death is near by". I said. "If you spot a Banshee, it will vanish into a cloud of mist. A old friend of mine has seen a Banshee before.... it tried to kill her. But it soon left her presents. A day after, her sister died from a unnatural cause". I said. Everyone looking so freaked out. "Wait your friend seen one?" Cartoonz said. "Indeed yes. I've always wanted to see a Banshee. Some are evil. Some are not. Some Banshees were just young women who sang through the lost of their loved ones". I said. "Woah.... tell another one!" Panda said. "Alright but you should know something else. There is a river near this area. Also a lake too. Perhaps a Banshee is near". I said. "N-No! It's not real! I don't believe it!" Mini said. I chuckled. "Whatever you say Mini. Here's another story called The White Death". I said and cleared my throat. "There once was a young girl that hated life. She wanted to erase every trace of her from the world. So she burned all of her belongings while her family were no longer around her.... then killed herself. Once her family found out about her death, they unexpectedly died too. Then once the people looking around the scene of her and her family, they got the same fate as them. Anyone who knew about the young girl's existence, were found mysteriously murdered. You see, the girl was determined to eradicate everything of her existence of the world, that she came back as.... The White Death. A evil spirit held bent on eliminating anyone that ever knew her. You won't know if she's following you until you hear her telltale knocks on the door". I said and hit the side of the armchair as if I'm knock. "She'll knock once: for your skin. Which she'll use to patch her decaying flesh". I said and I knocked again. "Twice: for your hair. Which she'll nash between her teeth". I said and knocked again. "Three times: for your bones. Which she'll make into clubs". I said and knocked once more. "Four times: for your heart. Which she'll rip out of your body". I said and knocked once again. "Five times: for your teeth. Which she'll polish and keep in a box". I said and knocked again. "Six times: for your eyes. Which she'll pluck out. One. By. One". I said and knocked for the final time. "And Seven times: for your soul". I said. Everyone started to look so scared. "With every life she takes, her spirit grows angrier. For she knows that her mission..... shall never be completed. Her memory lives on because of the stories we shared. Stories........ like this one". I said. Everyone's eyes widen and immediately some of the girls started panicking. "Girls! It's just a story. It's not real. Right Marissa?" Chilled said. I sighed and laid down the other way of the armchair. "Yeah..... not real". I said. They assume I was being serious. Stupid humans like them should know when people are lying or not. But The White Death won't come. She's in a different world for all of eternity.

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