Stay home

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Christian had forgotten to tell his boyfriend about the appointment but left him to sleep hoping he would help him feel better but when Andrew woke up he was delirious and confused.

He got up vision blurry and attempted to get ready but he looked nothing like himself, he wore a t-shirt which is unlikely for Rannells his normal style was a button down. However he felt like shit so what was the point.

Christian had already left so he caught a cab, on the way there his head began to bang as he sat with his head in his hands trying not to cry from the pain.

He walked into the rehearsal space where Christian was performing The chess game alone and as he shut the door behind him Christian locked eyes with him but had to continue for flinn and lapine.

Once he had finished he got up and strolled over to Rannells gave him a hug and small kiss "babe what are you doing here, are you ok? You still look terrible, please just go home." His vision went blurry again and he had to squint just to see his boyfriends face clearly.

"I'm fine, I'm just here so I don't miss out. I won't push it I promise" Borle gave him that bullshit look again, he knew this wasn't going to end well.

Today was a full show run through and he made it through the games I play with only a few coughs and he felt ok.

Finally they had a lunch break...

"Chrissy I'm just going to the bathroom" he smirked as he walked out of the room, he felt fine well that's what he thought. He stood looking at himself in the mirror and next thing he knew he was gagging and he threw up in the sink. It was so sudden, now he felt the worst he had in days and he couldn't stand. He fell down and hit his head on the tiled floor of the bathroom.

Meanwhile it had been 20 minutes since Andrew left the room and Christian was confused, they only had 20 minutes until they had to start act 2, he decided to go find him.

He wandered into the bathroom to find Rannells on the floor unconscious. He saw the vomit in the sink and despiratly tried to wake his boyfriend up but it didn't work. He screamed for Brandon to come in for minutes until he heard.

Brandon ran in and his face was stripped with concern, shortly steph realised that it was an emergency and followed them in and began sobbing at the sight of Andrew laying unconscious on the floor but she immediately called 911.

After 10 minutes of waiting and Andrew drifting in and out of consciousness the ambulance arrived and Andrew was taken to hospital, Christian left with his boyfriend for the hospital.

FALSETTOS - Andrew × ChristianWhere stories live. Discover now