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Back stage before the show was as hectic as always; people rushing to get into costume, stage crew shouting for props to be returned to the wings and here Andrew was sat watching the world go by feeling absolutely useless, weak and exhausted. He'd only been out of the hospital for an hour but he was already feeling like he needed to go back.

"Andrew... Andrew?" Christian repeated as Andrew snapped out of his day dream and looked up to see his lover staring at him. "Yes, shit sorry Chrissy" he replied in a drawn out tone. "We've got 5 minutes before the show, do you wanna head to the wings?" Christian questioned him looking slightly concerned as Andrews eyes still looked slightly gla zed. "S-sure".

As Andrew sat beside the stage he began wishing he was in that green shirt, wishing he could be playing the role of Whizzer and wishing that he was the one getting that applause. Instead he was sat in the wings feeling horrible. As Andrew watched the cast dance and sing across the stage he felt like everything was going in slow motion, he couldn't help but tear up within the first 30 minutes of the show. He made it through the first half of the show and as Christian came off of the stage he quickly picked Andrew up holding is arm around his waist and escorted him to their dressing room with few words shared between them apart from Christian asking "Soooo what did you think?" and Andrew half heartedly replying with a small "mmm it was amazing".

As Christian sat his boyfriend down on the sofa opposite their desk. He turned to face Andrew and as he made eye contact he saw it, his eyes were glazed still but now he was as pale as a sheet and had a tear stained face.

"Why are you upset Andy?" Borle asked with a soft tone.

"I -I don't know, I thought I would be ok, I thought it wouldn't affect me as much as it has but sitting in the wings in this suit instead of that costume just hurts more than you could ever imagine" Andrew stammered out, not being able to make eye contact with Borle.

"You'll be back up there you know." Borle reassured him. "Huh?" Rannells replied. "I mean that you will be back in that costume, on that stage, opposite me. I'll make sure of it." Borle explained like he was on a mission, and he was.

As the second act started Andrew was back in the wings, looking at the stage longingly as if he wanted to jump right back into the show, he missed it so much. But ofcourse as always this show hit so close to home, he sat next to the stage sobbing whilst the cast preformed Falsettoland. His chest felt tight from crying as the last notes played and the cast came forward to take their bows but christian came to the wings. "Come on! Come and take your bow!" Andrew stared at him blankly for a second before allowing Christian to hold him up and take him on to the stage. It took him at least 10 seconds to get onto the stage and when appeared from the wings the audience went crazy, giving him a standing ovation as he attempted to bow with help from his lover.

All of a sudden he was handed a microphone and instructed to give a speech. The audience still going crazy, Andrews chest starting cramping more and he felt as though the room was spinning.

"G-good evening everybody, ermmm I would just like to thank every single one of you for the support you have given myself and the rest of the cast." He paused, squinting under the stage lights, he was sweating as he turned to look at Christian before attempting to continue. "I - erm also wanted to say..." he had to pause to cough into his elbow and he slightly bent forward.

As he straightened up, his vision went blurry and he clutched his chest in pain " I'm - errr I'm sorry..." he couldn't continue anymore, he collapsed backwards suddenly.

Christian rushed to his side as the curtain dropped suddenly. "He's not breathing!"

FALSETTOS - Andrew × ChristianWhere stories live. Discover now