Two weeks.

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Andrew got used to doing shows again and got his usual figure back and Christian was so happy for him. He hadn't seen him pass out in 2 weeks, sure he'd seen him go pale and his knees go weak but Andrew had learnt when to stop or sit down. He knew when he was overdoing it; well in front of his lover anyway.

Andrew felt ok some days, he had some off days and then there was his rough days where he would stay clear of his lover for as long as possible. These were the days that he would collapse or throw up; usually Saturdays after the matinees were the worst sometimes he would have to have Betsy sit with him because she was the only one who knew what he was still going through.

"Betsy" he said head in the toilet as she sat on the floor besides him."I'm sorry that you're doing this. You really don't have to do this."

"Don't be silly Andrew, I'd rather be here and know you're safe than not."

"I'm sorry that you have to see me like thi-" he retched into the toilet, Wolfe rubbed his back in circles "It's ok doll. Don't worry, get it all out"

Two knocks were heard at the door.

"I'll be right back" she ran to the door closing Andrew in the bathroom as she went. She opened the door cautiously to see stephanie stood there.

"Is everything ok? I could hear noise from next door." She knew exactly what was going on.

"Yeah we're ok, come in." As she said this Andrew could be heard vomiting in the bathroom.

"Oh god. Betsy who is it?" He called out as he leaned on the wall behind him with his eyes closed and the smell of sick on his breath. Within a second the door opened and Steph walked in and knelt down next to Andrew. He was sweating and pale.

"Shit, Andrew! Does Christian know that you're sick again?"

"No" he managed to say pathetically. "And I want to keep it that way"

"You're kidding, you live with this man you can't hide this."

"Well i have managed - to go the last two weeks - without him seeing me like this." His breathing was laboured and his eyes where shut with his head tilted up, he couldn't even move his fingers his body felt so heavy yet it was the lightest it had ever been.

Stephanie placed her hand on his back and as she did he winced in pain.

Did that hurt? Are you ok." Steph said as she pulled down the neck of his shirt to reveal a huge bruise. Andrew tried to object but was too weak so the only thing that came out was a small groan. "Andrew oh my god how did you get this?"

"I-I don't know, it just appeared." He almost fell asleep as Betsy and Steph exchanged concerned looks across the room. Andrew not even strong enough to lean forward began to vomit down himself.

Stephanie looked back at Betsy and gestured for her phone. "Andrew,I'm going to call Christian."
It was clear he had passed out by this point.

"Where's Andrew is he ok?" Borle rushed in without knocking only to find Betsy and Steph kneeling down besides him on the bathroom floor. "ANDREW! FUCK IS HE UNCONSCIOUS?"

"Christian calm down-" before Steph could finish he ran to his side and started shaking him.

"Oh god Andrew honey please wake up"

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