Are Nectarines a Made up Fruit?

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Today was a bit warmer than usual. So for my Studio Painting class, we went outside to do 20 minutes of sketches. Now, this would be fine if the usual temperature was likr 40' F but it has literally been below freezing  for the past week. And so now they've decided that we should celebrate mother nature cranking it up a whole whopping ten degrees, by forcing us outside. Needless to say, I was dying.

I shiver more, raising my pencil to try and finish my last tree so I could naruto the flip outta here and get to work.

Honestly, I'm a really slow artist. I'd say I'm one of the top students at drawing, just because I work hard until it looks right, but in result, I'm always the last to finish.

"making a masterpiece, Picasso Noona?" Taehyung calls behind me, gathering his stuff to leave.

I sarcastically laugh. "Yup, only the best!" groaning as I mess up on the leaves yet again."What about you V?" we call each other by our artist nicknames, mine's Picasso and His is Vincent Van Gough, V for short.

"Ahhh, well..." He purses his lips "It's not the best but it'll look good once I paint it, you know I suck at sketching."

I sigh , giving up on my sketch and shoving it into my portfolio bag. "Well it seems I suck at drawing today too."

"Noooo Noona, you're really good, I wish I was half as good as you." He says sweetly, trying to console my frustration.

I snort at his adorableness "Well I wish I was half as good as you at painting." I pull my bag over my shoulder and grab my art box." I swear kid, you're gonna be famous. No doubt about it." He really was amazing. He was only a freshman, in a Painting 2 class, and already was better than most of the class. All of the class in my opinion.

We walk to our cars. "Thanks Noona. I'll see you next week. Don't forget send me pictures of the finished product!" V yells, referencing the sketch.

"Will do cheeka-poo" I wave goodbye to him as I pile my things into my car. "See ya V!!"

He gives a boxy grin, waving back with both hands."byeeEEEEE!"

Getting into my car, I blast the heat until it felt like my face is melting. My stomach grumbles. I forgot to eat again. I always get really absorbed in my art so even when we have breaks where we are supposed to eat, I end up just continuing to work instead. Gotta catch up with the rest of the class anyways.

I'll just eat at work, if the boss isn't around. I sigh.

That's what I've been doing ever since Jungkook hired me to help him study last week. He doesn't pay much but it's enough to allow me to drive my car AND buy a little bit of food and a snack at work. I don't know what I'm gonna do once he's done with the tests though. I definitely don't want to tutor him more than I have to. He's an idiot, to the point of wanting to pull my hair out.

I guess I'll have to start working every day, or sell some artwork.

I pull into work and grab my uniform as well as a couple of old study books I filled out and used in high school. maybe this will help Jungkook.

I walk in- EARLY- and change into my uniform.

"Hey Hoseok, you can leave now, I'm good on my own til' Jungkook gets here." I call to the bright young man, relieving him of his station a bit early. He is a college student as well, I've had shifts with him a couple times, he's really cool and a hard worker but really really loud.

"Ahh! thank you Momo!! You're the best!" He says with a huge grin, giddily putting on his coat. "Can you clock out for me?"

"Yea, no problem. Also, if you ever need time off on the weekends lemme know, I need more shifts."

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