Filler Chapters Suck

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  After my shifts ends I went by the grocery store and pick up some veggies to fry with my rice, seeing as I literally have no other food in my house. Slightly out of breath from the extra weight, I lug the bags up the stairs.

Dang, I need to work out more.

I huff, dropping the bag as I fiddle with my keys and unlock the door.

Shoving the door open, I walk in, glad to finally be home. With a flying kick, off goes my shoes, sending them through the air and crashing into the living room.

Ahh, I can't wait to EAT!


I turn back and peek my head out the door, opening it just enough to reach my arm out and snatch the forgotten grocery bag.

Just like Nam Joo Hyuk snatching my wig.

I place it on the table and quickly flip the TV onto Netflix, making a strange whining noise as I  look through the inadequate options before settling on watching The Office again for the 5th time. I'm not that great at English but I've watched it enough times to understand everything they say.

In the kitchen, I put rice in the steamer and start it up. Then I pull out the veggies and cut up some of them, humming a random song.

I hold up a pepper, pouting"Sorry little pepper, it's just that you're so delicious." I give it a sad smile then cut it to pieces.

Once all the veggies are cooked on the stove, I add the rice and its done. The sweet aroma of food fills my house, chasing away the hardships of my day.

I sit down on my couch with my bowl of steaming stir-fry and eat while watching the show. Dwight's cousin throws poo at him while Jim and Pam watch from the sidelines making me snort so hard a piece of rice goes up my nose.



Namjoon's right, how have I not noticed him before? Especially when he's THAT cute. I mean, he could punch me and I'd say thank you. Good LORD, that man has been blessed.

I wonder if I'll see him tomorrow,... does he always come in around the same time? Probably not if I see him at both shifts. He probably has a lot of classes. Wait, is he even in college? What if he's just some creepy old dude who's had a bunch of plastic surgery to look young and try to seduce young unsuspecting ladies like me?

I shiver.

I knew he was too beautiful to be real.

I think about my theory but ultimately decided it can't be true on the premise that there's no one in this world that would try to seduce me.

Dang, I'm so deprived of dissing people that I've started to turn on my self.


My phone lights up with a text from Gang Gang Choo Choo Train

I smile evilly.

Perfect timing.

Gang Gang Choo Choo Train

Kookie boi: HEELLLP MEEEEE. I don't understand any of this English crap and its the first test I have on Monday!!!

Your Lord and Savior MoMo: awwwwww is my poor little kookie having twrobles?

Kookie boi: YES! Now help me or I'm not paying you!

Your Lord and Savior MoMo: Hey now, no need to be rash. I'm just trying to fulfill my roasting needs.


Your Lord and Savior Momo: Don't, It's a waste of time.

Your Lord and Savior Momo: You're a lost cause anyway, might as well give up now. Honestly, I'm surprised you've even made it this far. Like do you even know what 9 + 10 is?

Kooki boi: MOMO!

Your Lord and Savior Momo: Triggered much?

Kooki boi:MMMMOOOOMMMMOOOO! This is not the time, I'm FREAKING OUT!!

Your Lord and Savior Momo: would you say you're...

Kooki boi: Don't

Your Lord and Savior Momo:...

Kooki boi:Don't say it.

Your Lord and Savior Momo: Jungshookth?

Kooki boi: I hate you.

Kooki boi: can you please just help me?

Your Lord and Savior Momo: Yea, I have work tomorrow with Namjoon, you can come in whenever and we'll help you there. If not we can go to a cafe or something.

Kooki boi: thank you! I'll come by work, I need all the help I can get!

Kooki boi: from Namjoon, not you

I laugh putting away my phone.

looks like tomorrow's gonna be fun!


Sorry for the filler chapter, I'm having humor brain farts. I'll post the next chapter soon, I'm getting inspired by my family dissing me.

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