Chapter One~ Pilot

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Winchester, That name was the reason I lived. The thought that one day I would see my family again, I refused to go with my father once my mother burned in a fire at the house. I'm not sure what happened that night and I'll never know, what I do know is that my life is the best it's ever been.  I'm Jordan Zuriel Winchester, I have brown hair and sea blue eyes. I have two brothers and a father, I had a mother... but let's not talk about that, it haunts me enough as it is, I live in Silvermoon Minnesota. It's small and surrounded by woods, it's said that an old Indian tribe used to have a post set up here. After my mom died my dad wanted to travel the U.S. He tried to get me to go with him telling me about "Creatures in the night" I never believed him so he brought me over to Bobby Singers, I left him when I turned 18. Of course, I did get my family crest tattooed over my heart.

I rose from my bed, alarm blasting heat of the moment. I yawned. Another day of working at target, Now I don't like or enjoy my job... but without it, I would have to go move back in with Bobby Singer, and I want to prove that I can live on my own. I stood from my bed letting the Asia song continue. I walked to my closet grabbing my red flannel and my khaki's. I walked to my bathroom changing into my work clothes, Morning shifts gotta love 'em. I ran my hand through my brown hair, I sighed and brushed my hair

I finished getting ready and turned my alarm off, What? I like the song. I walked to my kitchen. I lived in a one-person apartment. I grabbed an apple for the road, not having time to make something,  left my apartment and headed to the parking garage. Heading down to it I looked across the street, an old motel sat across from the apartments, I never understood why. My mouth dropped open once I saw a 67' Chevy Impala it reminded me of my dad's car, I shook my head ignoring the beautiful car and got into my car driving to work.

I slammed my car door shut, I walked into target and saw my best friend, Lyla. "Morning Lyla! How are you?" I questioned giving my bestie a hug

"I'm good, tired but good." Lyla smiled and walked with me towards the team member room, her face became serious as we approached the all read team member room "Did you hear? Another girl was taken." Lyla frowned staring at me, I shrugged

"People go missing all the time Lyla, Sometimes they leave and don't tell anyone," I explained, trying to believe everything is fine, I've lived in this town for years nothing has ever happened like this before.

Lyla shook her head as I put my hair into a ponytail, I was going to be working an eight hour day. I clocked in and walked to my register, and thus started my long and boring day.


I looked at my watch, it was 2:45 I had fifteen minutes left I walked to the end of my lane. I looked around the front of the store, other cashiers had stood out front. The only customers in the store that I could see was a short man with a light brown hair color almost, it was hard to tell. Behind him was a much taller man, with long brown hair. 

"Are you all set?" I asked as the entered my lane anyway answering my question, I shook my head lightly and walked to my register.

"Yes, I think we are." The tall one answered I nodded already by my register. They put their items onto the belt and it moved forward slowly, once close enough I grabbed them and swiped them across the scanner moving quickly so I could leave my shift almost over.

"So do you get lonely working here?" The shorter one asked, almost in a flirty manner. I laughed slightly, the taller one rolled his eyes, obviously, the shorter one does this a lot.

"Sorry about him, He does that everywhere and to every girl ever, I'm Sam." The tall one exclaimed as the shorter one hit Sam on the arm. I paused for a moment, I smiled and bagged their items. I realized my brother's name was Sam, well one of them anyway. How weird would it be if the shorter one's name was Dean, I laughed quietly

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