Chapter ~ Wendigo

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*No One's POV*

The three boys walked quietly through the woods, Dean was the first one to say something "This doesn't make sense, we don't even know if she is truly our sister." Dean turned to Sam, He shrugged slightly adding "Dean If Cas believes and knows that she is our sister shouldn't that be enough?" Dean looked to Cas, "Of course it's enough Sam I just, I don't want a repeat of Adam." Sam frowned and looked to the ground "You mean the Adam that is still in hell?" Sam announced, Dean pointed towards Sam "He may be our brother, but he isn't family." Castiel looked  between the two brothers as Dean stormed off

Sam turned to Cas, "Don't worry Cas, I'm sure he just wants to know more about what has happened and why she was torn away from us." Castiel nodded continuing one "It's funny how little he trusts me when it comes to sensitive topics." Sam shook his head denying what Cas said: "That's not true buddy, you know Dean trusts you." A twig snapped interrupting Sam and Castiel's conversation.  "DEAN?" Sam screamed for his brother but no answer was returned, Castiel ran ahead to try and find Dean. Sam looked around the forest hearing a voice "Sam?! Over here!" 

Sam took off in the direction of the voice, His feet moving as quickly as he could. He slid to a stop when a Wendigo stood in front of Sam, The Wendigo grabbed Sam and threw him at a tree. Sam became limp as the Wendigo grabbed Sam and dragged him away.

*Dean's POV*

Cas ran up to me grabbing my shoulder, "Dean?!"Castiel yelled in my face, I furrowed my eyebrows, "Cas? Why are you shouting in my face?" Cas sent a glare towards me, I gave him the same look, Castiel shook his head "Dean you yelled for me and Sam" I glared at Cas, It couldn't have been... "SAM!" I started running back the way I came from. "Dean, what are you doing?" Cas ran after me, "Cas, Man. That was the Wendigo, not me." I came to a stop seeing the ground as if someone had been dragged. "Damnit!" I kicked the ground sitting down, "First my 'Sister'... Now my brother..." Castiel looked around and looked down. "I'm sorry Dean, I'm sure we will find them." I stood up and held the flare gun, Sam had everything else we needed. I walked towards where we thought the wendigo would be, hearing screeches in the distance. 

Cas and I walked in silence through the forest, it's been roughly 10 to 15 minutes since Sam was taken and we haven't found a place where the Wendigo would be hiding at, My walking speed increased the slightest bit. I need to find Sam,  I don't know how hungry this thing is. I looked around stopping in place, "Dean, are you alright?" Cas put his hand on my shoulder. I don't understand how he expects me to be okay right now, "No Cas, No I'm not, Let's just focus on finding my family." I looked right, seeing a cave. Not just any cave though, a miners cave and by the looks of it... It hasn't been used for years, abandoned The Wendigo has to be there. I started to walk towards it, "Dean, We shouldn't go charging in." I turned to Cas, "Listen, My brother and sister who I didn't know I had are in there Cas. I'm not waiting any longer." I walked into the cave turning on my flashlight. Castiel followed behind seeming upset but he will have to deal with it dammit. 

A loud scream echoed through the cave, I ran to the sound. I wanted to yell for my brother but knew that would only make it worse. I loaded my flare gun and ran as fast as I could. After a few minutes, I reached where the scream came from. I slowly rounded the corner seeing both Sam and Jordan alive and well, and no sign of the Wendigo yet. I walked up to Sam "Sam?... Sammy? Wake up." I shook Sam and slapped his face, He opened his eyes staring at me "Dean?. Oh, Thank god, Dean!" He sounded so happy, I miss the times we could always smile... I pulled the knife out of it's hiding spot and cut my brother down, I looked to the left and saw Castiel rip the ropes off Jordan and hold her as she was passed out. "We have to go now" Sam exclaimed, "The Wendigo left a while ago and it's getting hungry." I helped Sam stand and we started to leave, but of course, we didn't get very far before we heard it scream. It's here... for Dinner. 

I Held up the flare gun, "Come on, COME EAT." I yelled, moving Sam onto Cas's other arm "Come get me you son of a BITCH" I lead the group and as we walked I heard it get closer, "That's right! I'm Delicious!" As if on cue, The Wendigo appeared in front of us. I glared at the bitch and aimed the gun at him, "No one, and I mean NO ONE Hurts Sammy." I pulled the trigger right as it started to launch at us, It screamed in pain as it jumped right into it. "Burn Bitch." I smiled at what I said and watched the fucker burn to death, I turned back to Cas and helped Sam back to the Impala.

~=~=~=~=~Time Skip~=~=~=~=

I put Sam in shotgun and laid Jordan down in the back her head resting on Cas's Lap, "So, Where to Cas?" I got in baby and looked to Cas, "For now let's just get somewhere safe, Somewhere they can wash up." I nodded "Let's go to a different town though, I have a feeling people might think we kidnapped her." I started baby and turned the music down as Jordan was still asleep. "Wow, You rarely do that for me Dean" Sam scuffed annoyed, "I know" I smiled and drove off to a new State with my new sister.

Well, Hi there. So uh, I'm gonna try to publish more for this story and my other one but I'm going to try and do a lot more writing now because I'm done with High School and I'm going to college for creative writing. I kinda bullshitted my way through this because I don't remember how I was gonna have it play out, and I'm sorry if Sam and Dean act differently. I'm trying to keep them the same but it's hard lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and I'll try to update this story more! Bye Bye!

Word Count: 1119

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