We Hit The Jackpot (Just Kidding)

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Percy was not feeling the love.

Sure, they'd won the Giant War, lullaby-ed Dirt Face(Gaia) back to sleep, kicked the giants' sorry butts back to Tartarus, negotiated peace between the Greek and Roman sides and killed lots of monsters. Eternal prizes for them all, courtesy of the gods! Right?



Highly unlikely.

They were still in the Olympians' throne room on Mount Olympus on the Empire State Tower. And the Olympians were full mega-deluxe size and sitting on their thrones. He was pretty sure Athena was repressing the urge to evil-eye him. Maybe it was because she was surprised (or as surprised as a goddess could be) that he had fallen into Tartarus and fought his way out, Annabeth steadfast at his side. Or maybe it was just the state of his hair. He wasn't sure which. But Percy was still grinning uncontrollably. As were all his friends.

Beside him, Annabeth nervously cleared her throat.

"Rise, heroes of Olympus." Zeus enunciated. His friends and Percy stood up quickly. Jason's gladius banged his knee. Percy thought he glimpsed Hazel sliding a ruby into her pocket.

"You may leave." Zeus said clearly. Annabeth's hand slipped into his own, and Percy's mind fuzzed for a while. When it cleared, they were out of the throne room.


"So," Annabeth said. They were in the Argo II, chowing down. Percy put down his cheeseburger and gulped some blue Coke down. The Argo II was good as new, thanks to Leo's request. Opposite him, Jason was holding Piper's hand under the table. Frank was twirling his fork in his spaghetti. Hazel was staring at an image of Camp Half-Blood in shock. Leo was grinning maniacally, like, I'm gonna burn everything down!

"We won the Giant War, sent Gaia back to sleep and killed all of the giants'. With the Olympians' help, of course." Annabeth added quickly after the sky rumbled. "Returned the Athena Parthenon and now both sides are at peace."

"So it's a win-win situation." Percy said. The crew gaped at him. "What? Hanging out with Annabeth enlarges your vocabulary." he said defensively.

Annabeth smiled at Percy and leaned over to kiss him. Leo cleared his throat but stopped abruptly and gazed at his glass. If Percy hadn't known better, he would've sworn that he saw a trace of wistfulness in Leo's gaze.

"And all of us happened to wish for a peaceful love life. And Leo wished that he would find true love." Annabeth said.

Percy nodded, poking at a water droplet on his glass.

" The Olympians-" Annabeth choked. Percy reached over swiftly and patted Annabeth's back till her choking stopped. Piper handed Annabeth a glass of water, which she sipped from gratefully.

" We're going to-" Leo started choking at the horrifying prospect. Piper sighed and handed Leo a glass of water while Frank pounded Leo's back.

"We're going to high school." said Frank. His tan complexion was a shade paler than normal.

"Yep. And not just any high school. Goode High School, the school I went to before Hera plucked me and Jason out of our camps. And jacked our memories." Percy finished.

"And we start next week. Monday." Hazel said, running her finger around the rim of her ruby encrusted glass. Now that her curse had been broken by Frank, the jewels that popped out because of her were no longer cursed.

"Lucky us." Leo said sarcastically.

"Leo, at least we're alive." Piper said. How she was so optimistic, Percy had no idea.

"We have the whole weekend ahead of us to adjust. What luck." Jason said. From his wince, Percy guessed that he had just been kicked under the table.

"And we get a penthouse to live in!" Piper said cheerfully. "Don't want to break us up."

Percy nodded menchaholically. He'd kind of wanted to live with his mom again, but it just didn't feel right. Him leaving would've broken them up. Besides, he would miss his friends.

"Okay! Once you've done eating, please return to your rooms to pack up. Next stop: Camp Half-Blood!" Leo said cheerfully, ringing a bell.

Percy's mood brightened immediately. He hadn't gotten to see Camp Half-Blood since, like, forever. That place was his second home. He missed so much about it. His cabin, swordfighting lessons, climbing the lava wall, Capture-the-Flag......the list went on.

Percy felt Annabeth touch his arm lightly. He looked up to see that she was smiling.

"We're going home." she said quietly.

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