Jason Meets The Parent

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Piper stared up at the big wooden front door. The pegasi had deposited them directly in the grounds of her dad's mansion, avoiding the super-tight security.

"Knock!" Leo said.

Piper still stared at the door, not showing that she'd acknowledged Leo's remark.

'"Just knock already!" Leo cried impatiently.

Piper stared at the wood patterns in the door.

"Why isn't she knocking?" Leo whispered to Jason loudly. "Do you think she knows how to knock?"

"Gods, Leo! You can't just ask people whether they know how to knock or not!" Jason said.

Piper had had enough. She steeled herself and knocked on the door, using the big brass knocker.

The door flew open, revealing Tabitha, their housekeeper. Her eyes widened slightly as she surveyed them, and blinked as she looked at their weapons and blinked again as the Mist changed their weapons.

"Ms McLean! You're supposed to be at boarding school!" she cried.

Piper managed a smile. "Well, we're on-vacation."

Tabitha blinked. "What?" She put her hands on the hips of her ample figure.

"What Piper means is, our school is getting fumigated. Apparently someone left cat food in the air vents. Tragic, really." Leo said quickly.

"Oh, goodness me!" Tabitha gasped. "I didn't see you there. Who are these fine young men, Piper?"

"That's Jason, and that's Leo." Piper said.

"Are any of them your boyfriend? Both?" Tabitha sucked in so much air, it was a miracle they still had any to breathe. "What would your poor mother say if she knew you were toying with these poor young men's emotions! Young lady-"

"Actually, I'm her boyfriend. Leo there is just her friend." Jason interrupted.

"Thank God! Aren't the both of you just precious! And Piper! Getting so tall and beautiful. Why, it seems like just yesterday you were a mere baby, getting-"

"Okay, Tabitha. That's enough. We're here to see my dad." Piper said, before Tabitha could tell Jason and Leo about any of her embarrassing baby stories.

"Yes, yes, sorry. Come right in!" Tabitha said, ushering them in. "Please, your coats."

Piper shrugged off her skiing jacket and handed it to Tabitha. Behind her, Jason and Leo did the same.

"I think your father is in the living room, learning his lines. I'll bring the snacks." Tabitha said.

Piper nodded and beckoned to Jason and Leo. "C'mon, this way, guys."

She led the way down the long hallway. Eventually, they reached the living room.

The living room was done up in various shades of white, complete with a giant plasma television. Large comfy couches were arranged around a teakwood coffee table on a red rug. But it was empty. Jason walked over to the coffee table, where there was a note.

"'Tabitha, I'll be in the den. -Tristian.'" Leo read. He turned and grinned. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's Leo out of this room and to the den!"


Piper pushed open the door of the den and peeked inside. It hadn't changed, which was a comfort. As usual, a couple of colorful couches that somehow went together in mismatched harmony were grouped around a dark coffee table. In front of them was the twin of the television from the living room. In the corner of the den was an empty fireplace.

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