Jason Knows It All

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"What's wrong?" Nico di Angelo asked Jason the next morning at the Zeus table. Since they were all alone in their cabins, he, Percy, and Nico shared a table.

Beside him Percy demolished a heaping stack of blue waffles. That guy could eat more than a starved satyr. And Jason still didn't understand Percy's love for blue food.

A blond Apollo guy, Will Solace walked past their table. He ruffled Nico's hair, good boyfriend that he was. Nico frowned slightly and turned. He blushed when he saw Will walking away. It was awesome how Nico had gotten a boyfriend already. And the fact that he'd decided to stay at camp. The redecorating for the Hades cabin was going very well. It looked less like a vampire's lair by the minute.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Percy asked Jason through a mouthful of blue waffles.

"What do you guys mean, what's wrong? Nothing is wrong." said Jason, mildly annoyed.

"You've had that frown on your face since we saw you this morning. Usually you're either Mr Sunshine or Professor Grace." Percy noted, cocking his head.

"Tell, us, Jason. It's not good holding in your feelings for too long. And trust me on this. I speak from personal experience." Nico said, poking at an egg on his plate.

"Okay, fine. It's because of that new girl and Leo." said Jason.

Instantly, their heads swiveled to the Apollo table, where Gwendolyn Harper sat with her brothers and sisters, laughing and sharing useful bits of information. As they watched, Gwendolyn waved and grinned at someone at the main table. Hazel. Both of them had really hit it off last night, what with Gwendolyn deciding to take over as Hazel's teacher in her education of current topics. She was the best choice for it, seeing as she was new and fresh out of the mortal world.

"What about them? Leo seems normal." Nico frowned.

"That is the problem. Leo should be in love with her. She's exactly his type." Jason said. "He should be all goofy and stuff. But he's all.....normal."

"Um...yeah. About that." Percy said, shifting uncomfortably. "I kinda need to tell you something. During the Titan War, during the Battle of the Labyrinth, I sort of...disappeared. Everyone thought I was dead. Actually I was-"

"On the Titan Atlas's daughter, Calypso's magical island home of Ogygia where she nursed you back to health and fell in love with you but you came back to save the world." Jason rattled off.

Percy and Nico stared at him.

"Yeah. Everyone kind of knows because it's supposed to be secret." said Jason.

"Oh-kay. Anyway...wait! Everyone?" Percy choked on his juice.

"Yes. Annabeth told Piper during one of her I-Miss-Percy-So-Much moments. She talks a lot about you guys then." Nico said. "And then Piper told Jason, and then everyone heard."

"Well, I guess that's okay. The point is, Leo met and fell in love with Calypso. And she also fell in love with him."

"Percy? We also...kind of already know that." Jason said nervously.

"Okay! You guys are like that old dude, Phineas! But what I mean is, Leo's in love with Calypso. So when he fell in love-"

"Leo automatically became unable to love another person. He was in love already." Nico finished quietly.

"What you guys basically mean is, Leo's taken?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. That." Percy said.

Across the dining pavilion, Piper stood up. Annabeth and the others were already standing at the side, waiting.

"C'mon, slowpokes! We've got to go." Piper called out loudly to Jason and Percy.

"Let's go, Grace. Bye, Nico." Percy said, standing up.

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