My Mother Explodes

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Percy should've known better. Mrs O'Leary had shadow-traveled into the shadow of the television. And she was as big as the room.

Her eager barking filled the room like an air-raid siren set on GO CRAZY. Percy covered his ears, wincing. He totally should've known better. Annabeth, Frank and Hazel covered their ears too, clearly in pain. But as he waited for his mom and Paul, he looked around.

His mom's apartment hadn't changed much. But since he'd been gone, his mom had framed a family photo. Percy, his mom and Paul were in Central Park on a sunny day. They were all smiling with the sun in their eyes at the camera. His mom and Paul's arms were around Percy. Above them he could see the Empire State Building.

But then his mom and Paul emerged from their bedroom.

"Who's there?" his mom called. Whe trailed off abruptly when she saw Percy. While Paul's eyes widened and he grinned widely.

"Uh, why don't you go to the door, girl. More space there." Percy said. She woofed and slid over.

Then Percy's mom turned red.

"PERCY JACKSON! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH?" she shouted furiously. She stormed towards them.

"Riptide gone, disappeared from Camp Half-Blood! DID YOU THINK OF US?" she screamed.

"DID YOU EVEN THINK OF WHAT WE FELT LIKE? WHAT I FELT LIKE, WHAT ANNABETH-" she broke off and smiled at Annabeth. "But of course, I don't blame you, Annabeth dear."

"I missed you, I'm sorry Hera kidnapped me from Camp Half-Blood, and...I love you?" Percy said nervously. He had never seen his mom like this.

His mom softened immediately. It wasn't in her nature to be mad at him.

"I love you too, Percy." she smiled. Paul gave Percy the thumbs-up.


"So, wait, what? Is this you too?" Frank asked incredulously.

"Yep." Percy sighed.

After Percy had introduced Frank and Hazel to his mom and Paul, she had parked them on the couch and served them blue cookies and Coca-Cola. It was so comforting to eat his mom's blue cookies again. It was baked just right, with the chocolate chips soft and melting in the mouth. She had also brought out Percy's old photo album, despite his protests.

"Let me see." Hazel said, craning her head. She gasped and covered her mouth, suppressing her laughter.

"Lean back, Seaweed Brain. I want to see." Annabeth said. She leaned over to see the photo album resting on Frank's lap and promptly broke out in laughter.

In the picture, a young Percy was dressed in a white flowing gown, with clasped hands and a yellow glowstick twisted into a halo around his head. He was dressed as an angel. The only thing missing was the serene expression, for he had an irritated expression fixed on his face, complete with scowl.

"Oh yes," his mom sighed, clasping her hands. "Percy was the angel in his school play. After the play, the water pipes burst and the school was flooded for days."

"Well," Percy said defensively. "I did warn them that I wasn't going to be a good angel."

Annabeth laughed and clapped his back. "And you did, Seaweed Brain. You stuck to your principles and flooded the school. I'm so proud."

"Yes, Wise Girl. I did."

Hazel, Frank, Percy's mom and Paul laughed, no doubt enjoying the latest episode of The Percy/Annabeth Show.

"So, Mom. There's something I've got to tell you." Percy said.

"What is it, Percy?" she asked fondly.

"We're, well, kind of going back to high school. Goode, actually." Percy blurted.

"That's good! Great, in fact. You would be in your....junior year, I think." Paul said smoothly.

"Paul's right. That is great. You'll be continuing your education." Percy's mom replied.

Percy exhaled a sigh of relief. He had been worried about his mom and Paul's reaction, despite Annabeth's constant reassurances. And she had turned out to be right. Somehow, Annabeth was always right.

"I think your high school years will go smoothly." Percy's mom said.

"Yeah, unless we have to save the world again." Percy pointed out.

"Come on, what are the chances?" Hazel protested.

"That's what we said, after the first Great Prophecy. Then look at what happened." Percy said.

"Gaia happened." Frank said.

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