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Y/n room

i opened my eyes to feel an arm wrapped around my body. Jughead laid beside me, pulling me closer, to his chest.

I smiled at his cuteness. I shut my eyes and began to drift off to sleep again.

an hour later

this time when i awoke, Jug wasn't laying next to me. I quickly got out of bed, running tothe kitchen, and he stood there, a pan in hand, shirtless wearing grey sweatpants.

i gulped at his sight, i mean, i'd never been attracted to someone before. The thought of sex still disgusts me. But sex with Jughead intrigued me.

He looked over at me and smiled.
"Sorry. Thought i'd make you some breakfast."
"It's okay." i sent an assuring smile.

"You know, im going to take care of you, from now on." He put the pan on another burner as he closed the stove. He slowly walked up to me as he spoke.

"really?" I looked up at him and he nodded, "Yes, anytime, anyplace." He hugged me, putting his head on mine.
i smiled.

3:45 pm
pops diner

i walked into pops, next to Jughead, as we made our way to a booth.
Betty and veronica stared at us, disgusted looks on their faces. i rolled my eyes.

"Don't bother with them." Jughead said as we sat down, "Im trying."

"Try harder you look like you wanna kick their faces in." He commented and i shrugged, "I do." I replied still glaring at them. They scoffed looking away.

Archie, a redhead, i heard about from Jughead, walked into the diner, he smiled at the girls but made his way to our booth instead.

"Hey jug, is this your new girl? The pretty one you've been ignoring me for." He spoke his arm grabbing Jug by the shoulder.

"No we're just friends." jug replied, archie looked at me and smiled, "Not for long though." He winked at me and i chuckled.

"Don't you have to go see your girlfriend Veronica and stop flirting with my friend." Jughead rolled his eyes.
"See you're jealous." Archie laughed, as he got up to go to the girls booth.

"Sorry about him." Jug sighed.
"It's fine, he seems sweet." I bit my lip.
"Kind of a jackass for all that, but yes i guess he is." Jughead wiped his eyes, i guess he was tired.

I don't know, i never really thought about the fact that i might be annoying him.
I didn't want his pity. If he was here i wanted it to be genuine.

"You know i don't need your pity." I spat, it was random but i felt insecure and i needed assurance at the moment. All the over thinking was killing me.

"What are you talking about y/n?" He raised an eyebrow, and i bit my lip.

"I don't know. Like, if you don't wanna be here with me, you can go see your friends, you don't have to pretend to want to hangout with me."

"Trust me when i say this, i like being around you, im not every other dude. If i wanted to be with them i would've walked away way before." He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together.

i blushed and looked away, six, i was a six year old, after all the only way i flirted was with giggling. damn i wish i knew how to flirt.

10:47 pm
y/n front door

"So.."Jughead looked at me, i pushed my hair behind my ear, contemplating the question, 'Could you stay over.' not that there was anything wrong with it. I just felt needy even asking.

"What's on your mind?" He looked up at me and i gulped, "nothing."
"Okay well.." He looked away. "I'll go now."

He began to walk away and i shut the door slowly until he turned around, his piercing eyes staring into mine.

"Do you want me to stay over again?" his words were like music to my ears, was he reading my mind or something?

"yes- i mean- only if its not a bother.." i doubted my company was worth him sleeping somewhere other than his house.

"Of course it's not. Why else would i have asked." he began to walk inside and i bit my lip nervously.

time skip
12:05 am

we laid in my bed with one earphone each in our ear. Our faces looking towards one another. The song bright side by lil peep, playing in our ears.

i thought about kissing jughead, once or twice, okay you got me, more than once or twice, but, it wouldn't be right. First of all He was my only friend, my only trustworthy companion in the world, if i lost him i'd be alone forever.

second of all, he was way out of my league. Way too pretty for me to have as my own.

and third of all, i would never be able to give him a normal, loving, caring relationship, everything would ne horrible. I couldn't even think about kissing someone, let alone touching them even for a split second.

i decided to stop romanticizing our friendship.
i could barely accept that he wanted to be friends with me, now why would he want to kiss me?

"What's on your mind?" His words caused me to get back into reality, and i took out the earphone, "What?" i replied.

"What're you thinking about?" He stared into my eyes and it was intimidating.

"Nothing. Thanks for staying Jughead.." i bit my lip. "I'm happy you're here." I added.

He smiled, "I wouldn't want to be laying next to anyone else." My heart fluttered.


my eyes shut and i drifted off to sleep.

My eyes opened and suddenly i was at a carnival, a clown house. Bruce came out and pushed me onto the floor.
My breath became heavy as he laid on top of me.

"Please Bruce you told me you'd stop.." I shut my eyes and suddenly i felt my body float.

I heard a old man voice and opened my eyes, "You've won a prize."
"tell me you saw that?!" Jughead smiled as he won a teddy bear at the carnival.

"I did!" i replied and he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.
"Liar! You were too busy paying attention to those other boys over there!" He scoffed. I hit on his back.

"Let me downnnn!" i whined.
"No! Not until you admit it."
"no i would only look at you. Promise."
"fine." He put me down and i smiled, leaning in and kissing him.
He kissed back and i pulled away smiling.

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