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I needed more drama lol

7:56 am
riverdale high

"y/n, wait." Jughead said from behind me and I sighed, turning towards him. "What?" I sigh, "I'm sorry, I have no reason to be angry. It's just, you're mine, and I don't wanna hear your ex saying she wants to take you away from me. I don't like it. by it I mean her but she's an it. I'm kidding. I'm not mean." I sigh, he laughs and rolls his eyes.
"y/n, I told you I love you, don't, even listen to Betty, she's a girl next door who thinks she can have everything she wants in this world." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it smiling. we turned back around walking to class when a red headed girl interrupted our walk.

"pardon moi, Hobo." She spoke breaking our hands apart to pass.
She turned back and smirked at Jughead, "So when are you coming back?" She asked, Jughead rolled his eyes smirking, "you're wild Cheryl Blossom."  (I ship Chughead don't @ me)
"maybe so. But, you're wild for me, and at that last party we never got to finish what we started." She kept her smirk and Jughead sighed, "Y/n, Cheryl, Cheryl, ,my girlfriend, y/n." He introduced us but the sound of that conversation displeased me and I wasn't in the mood for an introduction. "oh, I didn't know it was like that."

"Cheryl why don't you walk Jughead to Class?" I asked grabbing her hand and making it hold onto his. She scoffed pulling it away, "It was never like that, y/n." Jughead face palmed. "yea it was more of a psychical attraction, never romantic, plus it was never public."

"Yeah obviously, you had to "Keep up your reputation"." He scoffed.
"And there's no point in lying, you liked me and you know it. that's why you always came to me before everyone else, even Jason. I was there for you everyday Cheryl and you loved me, so don't even try to play the tough girl act." He crossed his arms, he seemed pretty upset with her.

"You're wrong." She stared into his eyes, "Sure. Keep lying to yourself. Just leave me alone if you keep talking like that." I agreed with the last statement he made and her only reply was to walk away with a small pout on her lips.

"I'm not going to First." I rolled my eyes walking to the front door and he followed like a puppy. "Why?" He raised an eyebrow. "Maybe because of what just happened, I mean what the fuck Jughead?!" I raised my voice and held tightly onto my bag and just decided to walk away not needing any other words in my ears. I just wanted to go home and be alone.

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