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(filler chapter)

"Maybe we should get you some help." Jughead whispered into y/n's ear, she shivered at his voice, they were laying on the couch, y/n didn't want to be in her bed again. "No its fine, Jug, promise.." She closed her eyes as she laid her head on his chest. "How did he even get here? why did you let him in, i'm so confused y/n." He played with her hair as she sighed deeply. "i visited him while i visited you, i felt bad for him, i really did, he convinced me he got his life together that he had changed, he needed a place to stay for a day while the nurse prepared his apartment in New York. I felt bad for him." Jughead furrowed his eyebrows, "y/n i didn't think you could be such a hypocrite at times. You let a fucking rapist in your house. I love you but that's a fucking joke." He laughed, she rolled her eyes, "you're really laughing at me?"
"No. I'm sorry, i just can't believe this happened again, i keep trying to protect you but i feel so helpless, i can't be here to save you from everything and i hate it." he kissed her forehead, she smiled lightly, "Jug you do more than enough for me. You do more than anyone has ever done, and i appreciate everything, and i'm telling you i'll get over this. It's kind of just a shrug at this point.." She bit her lip, she was really scarred, she hated herself for being as stupid as he had said and she hated that she couldn't be a good girlfriend, she was nothing to no one. She felt useless and just a hassle for jughead to save, she felt like a burden, she wouldn't tell him that though, she would keep it to herself.

Jughead awoke to the sound of something sizzling, the smell of pancakes hitting his nose immediately, he smiled immensely and got up from the couch, his eyes watched as jellybean sat on the counter next to y/n as she made pancakes. Jellybean poured some of the batter on the pan. "My two favourite girls." Jughead said as he walked up and kissed y/n's cheek from behind. "i figured we could have a nice breakfast since we have a guest." She smiled, "Y/n said she's even gonna cook some bacon!" Jellybean said excitedly, jughead chuckled, "That's very nice of her."
"Yeah, how is she your girlfriend jug? She's so cool." Y/n chuckled, "Woah woah, i'm cool too." Jug replied, Jellybean had a doubtful look on her face, "i don't think so, not at all, let's be honest here." They all chuckled.

"My mom is coming to get jellybean in three days. This is only temporary, i'm sorry i didn't really ask." Jughead said. "That's fine. I'm glad you're spending time with her. And that i finally got to meet her. I've been waiting for it." y/n  smiled. "i'm glad you're meeting her too. She seems to really like you." He leaned his forehead against hers and they stared into each other's eyes. Y/n smiled and leaned in pressing her lips against his.

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