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She wished it had been a dream, so when she awoke at six a.m and had felt his arm around her waist, she felt herself gag and ran to the bathroom, throwing up the contents in her stomach. She wiped her mouth and brushed her teeth, she stared at herself in the mirror, how had this happened once more, she felt disgusted. She took a shower to clean her disgust off herself and walked out of the bathroom, throwing on a non revealing outfit.
Suddenly she heard the front door open, her eyes turned to a naked Bruce in her bed and she felt the need to throw up again, thankfully she didn't and had the courage to leave the room.

"hello?" she called out, "Hi baby!" Jughead said, hugging her tightly and pressing a kiss against her head, she looked up at him with sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, he had noticed her eyes and he knew exactly when she was hurt, something was wrong.
"Uh, B-" She began but a little girls voice cut her off, "Jug, can i come now?" She peeped from the counter, Jughead put his hand out for her to old as she revealed herself, it was forsythia and she was big, twelve or eleven maybe? (i don't remember how old she is Lmfao)
"Jug.." Y/n began with tears in her eyes, she didn't want to expose Forsythia to a rapist.
"What's wrong?" He let go of Forsythia's hand to grab onto y/n's hands for support, suddenly he noticed purple marks on her neck and his eyes widened, "archie?" he raised an eyebrow, she shook her head slowly. He looked down at her wrists and noticed bruises. He clenched his jaw and opened his mouth, "bruce?" Y/n slowly nodded and he had anger in his eyes, "when? How!" Jughead was frustrated, how could that disgusting pig touch his girlfriend AGAIN?
"He's.." was all she could say and she pointed to their bedroom. Forsythia stood there confused and jughead looked at y/n, "take her to pops, buy some milkshakes, ill be there in twenty minutes okay?" He spoke, she nodded slowly, as she grabbed her purse and began to walk out with forsythia, jughead grabbed her and kissed her head whispering "im so sorry." in her ear. She gave him a sad look and began to walk out with his sister.

They walked out of the apartment building, Forsythia humming a song she loved and y/n entertaining her mind with this new girl she had just met, she was pretty, she was going to break hearts some day. "So jughead says you're his girlfriend and i think thats gross." forsythia spoke and y/n chuckled, "Boys are pretty gross." forsythia nodded agreeing, "you're way too pretty to be with him." Her words made y/n laugh again and they kept talking as they walked to pops.

Jughead walked into the bedroom, his eyes laid on the boy in the bed, his body naked but half covered by the blanket, jughead felt the need to throw up, he read the tattoo on the rapists arm, "y/n." is all it wrote with a heart beside it and jughead cringed, even more disgusted than before.

Jughead grabbed the boy by the back of his neck, immediately he woke up and whined in pain, "what the fuck? ow." he yelled, jughead threw him against the wall, and spat on him.
"You dared to come back, seriously? How disgusting can you fucking be? Im not sure there would be girls desperate enough to fuck you again and im sort of surprised someone hasn't fucking killed you! You're so fucking lucky that i don't wanna go to jail because i would murder you, i really would, y/n's such an amazing girl and you fucking keep taking her happiness away from her! You're disgusting! You don't deserve to be on earth when you just keep ruining people's lives!" Jughead screamed, He grabbed him by the arm and began to pull him into the kitchen, Bruce was helpless and let himself get dragged, he was crying though, his non mentally ill part of himself was in pain, allowing himself the consequences. "You deserve this." Jughead said as he grabbed a knife from the drawer, he moved towards Bruce but then decided he couldn't do it, he couldn't cut it off. But he could use his foot. Jughead stood up again and watched the boy on the floor, he sorta smirked a little, after this he couldn't really use it right?
Jughead began stomping over Bruce's body, and then punching him in the face, Jughead spat once more and threw bruce's clothes at him, "leave." He said firmly. Bruce wiped his tears and whined in pain as he threw on his clothes and left the building, and that, was the last time they ever saw him again. thankfully.

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