The next week, Monday, which is the final 2 weeks until summer vacation, an assembly is set in the university's broadway play room. The assembly is about showing slides and pictures of some of the students and their look back at the whole year here at Central Florida University. Penny and her boyfriend Nicholas and Thea sit with each other at the assembly, in the center row, while Tara, Sid and Minerva are in the far front, because they don't want to sit with Thea. Although Penny is looking for them. Thea spots Sid, Minerva and Tara, but doesn't tell Penny because Thea sees the fact they don't like her. As The Dean comes on stage and explains what's going on, Nicholas' best friend Ralph comes and sits with them, first kidding around by sitting on Nicholas' lap. Ralph is the class clown of the bunch and he can tolerate Thea, sometimes, but doesn't show that he really can't stand her. Now as the lights go off and the slides on the screen starts, pictures of the freshmen are shown, including Tara, who pictured playing a guitar and posing a "rock n roll" sign with her hand. Tara is excited to see herself on screen and shouts "Rock N Roll!!". Everyone laughs and Sid says; "you Ozzy Osbourne?" Thea rolls her eyes at Tara and whispers "Aw for Godd sake". Penny and Nicholas and Ralph laugh at Tara's humorous rock n roll singer talk. Next in a few more slides after the 5th one Penny and Nicholas are shown kissing. Penny and Nicholas are so shocked. Nicholas says; "They took our picture without my permission." Penny replies; "You're not embarrassed of me, are you?" "Oh no, no, no, no. Not at all says Nicholas. And he also says; "Hey, I'm so happy that the world can see our love for each other". Thea sighs because she was always single. Penny asked how Thea is. She says I'm fine. Ralph repiles "You mad because your picture isn't up there?" "No. Not at all. It won't be up there anyway because I'm an ordinary student." says Thea. "Thea don't worry, you did alot here." says Penny. Then an outburst of laughter is suddenly heard as now a picture of Thea is seen of her smiling, with a photoshop design of her eyes being bigger with redness in it and some of her teeth missing. "What the hell is that!?" shouts Sid. "Oh my godd! It's Thea! She looks like an old lady!" shouts Tara. "I can't believe she's up there." says Minerva. Thea then quickly turns around after talking to Penny she sees her picture and is so hurt and then embarrassed as most of the students look at her and insults her. "Look at that! It's a little girl witch! shouts Sid. "No, no, no that's a hyena! Hahahahaha!!!" shouts Tara. Thea quickly runs away out of the broadway room, after bumping into people as they continue to laugh at her. Penny, Nicholas and Ralph feel sorry for her, well only Penny. Nicholas and Ralph were laughing silently. Penny follows Thea, but can't find her. Thea went out to her car and hides inside, embarrassed, hurt and feeling like her life is ruined at her college. Now the Dean stops the slides and lashes out at the audience and demands who subatosted the slides. No one answers. The Dean then warns them that if I find out who embarrassed Thea or any student like this he or she will not return to Central Florida University. They will be expelled! After the assembly is cancelled, due to this, Penny right away excuses Tara, Minerva and Sid of doing this, but they say they are innocent. Penny doesn't believe them because they are the ones that can't stand Thea. "Penny, we would never ever do that. We're not bullies." says Tara. "Tara's right. We didnt do it." says Minerva. "Then who did?" demands Penny. "We don't know!" says Sid. Nicholas and Ralph are there saying of Tara, Sid and Minerva's innocents. Penny still hardly doesnt believe them and is worried about Thea and she continues to look for her best friend and soon knows she's in her car. Penny goes to Thea's car, knocks on the glass and Thea is seen with tears in her eyes and has an angry look on her face. Despite that, she lets Penny in and Penny comforts her with a hug and kisses on her forehead. Nicholas sees this from a far and has a mad look on his face and then he walks away back inside the university.
Bullied Back From The Dead
HorrorA vengeful spirit of a tormented bullied girl haunts those responsible for bullying her when she was alive. She hunts them down in a big summer manison during a Friday night party, haunting them with spooky signs and even death. @copyright Davisnove...