Chapter 12: Minerva's Death

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Thea has turned the lights out, causing everyone to scream in panic. Only the shining of the full moon at the windows are their only light. Minerva screams the most as she runs, but doesn't no where because its really dark in Penny's house.

"Thea please turn the lights back on!" says Penny.

"Thea you don't have to do this!" says Nick.

"Minerva didn't mean it!" says Penny.

No response and its silence. Then Penny and Nick calls for Minerva's name. But no response. Thea possesses Minerva's body, forcing her to go to the upstairs bathroom and stick her head in the toilet water and drown herself to death.
Then the lights come back on. Penny and Nick search for Minerva everywhere. Then the upstairs bathroom. Penny spots Minerva with her head in the toilet. She takes her out slowly and sees she's dead. Nick comes and sees what happened.
The lights go off again. Penny screams and then cuddles on Nick. He comforts her as she cries at the death of Minerva. Soon Penny's cellphone alerts her of a text message. Its Thea saying "Why did you do that? You knew? YOU KNEW THAT BIG BITCH BULLY USED THE BATHROOM ON MY GRAVE!!?"

Penny cries so much and says "Thea I swear I am sorry. I didn't know until..... "

"You really hurt me. Sisters? We are, you say? Friends forever?" types Thea.

Penny is speechless as she continues to cry.

"I think you are the ones responsible for bullying me. But I don't want to believe it because you did mourn for my death. But, I have another question. Who posted the fucking photos of my false pictures on youtube and Instagram?" types Thea.

Suddenly, Nick starts to sweat so much.

"Babe, you ok?" says Penny.

"Um..... Um.... Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. says Nick.

"Ah-ha! " types Thea.

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