No.7 - Winter

42 1 1


- Werewolf

I couldn't really get into this book. However, I found the author has a unique story.

The MC is shown as child at the beginning of the book. His curious sense is shown perfectly, like all children they are curious. However, for such a young child he wants more then rags and living below others. He wants riches and wealth, this is very different to some children. I guess when you live in poverty this is something children dream of, only this boy seems adamant he will get them. He's brave, highly brave in the way he behaves and sees thing.
As the main character ages, he is still determined to return to the vile with his family, including his brothers. He seems to have a temper and is annoyed quite easy. I do feel while reading, that young boy is still their and is portrayed through his behaviour and way he thinks.

The Author seems to describe every detail, moment and surrounding area. I do feel this over does it, losing some of the storyline and what is happening and why. However, it gives you a vivid scene around you and how the actions are taking. Which is refreshing but like I said, it's also a little to much.

I do like how the storyline is going, showing winter as a young boy curious to the world around and how he wishes for more. I'm little curious to how the story will fan out as it's a werewolf genre and so far from what I've read, I've not seen werewolves. But I am curious to how the author will bring these supernatural creatures into the book.

Don't forget to vcheck this story out.
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