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Life inside the 'pen' wasn't great. Carver had forced basically manual labour on all of you, even Clementine and Sarah. It didn't help that Luke was God-knows-where and that asshole Troy wouldn't stop with the sexual advances towards you- no matter how many times Kenny threatened him. You were beginning to get sick of it. The good news was the herd headed this way. Kenny and the rest of the group began planning on ways to get out. Your mind couldn't seem to turn off as you tried closing you eyes. These beds sucked. You reassured yourself everything would most likely be fine and finally fell asleep listening to the group talking faintly.

Being greeted from a finally decent dream with a boot near your face wasn't the most pleasant thing in the morning. "Get up. You're gonna be working your ass off today, you best believe girl." Resisting the urge to smack that shit eating grin off Troy's face, you stood up and adjusted your clothes before going off towards the rest of your group that was already awake. Carver appeared momentarily, issuing everyone off to work with the special exception of Rebecca. You sighed and began to leave, not before Troy managed to grab your arm. "Bill wants to see you. Said he wanted a word with you. You better hurry up, 'cause you're working with me today." Shuddering at his grin, you nodded and left for Carver's office. Even he was better then Troy at this point, yet you couldn't help but worry.

A potential psychopath wants to have a 'word' with you. Especially with what happened to Reggie earlier before? Anxiety consumed you as you knocked on his office door. But this man wouldn't see the weak side of you, not by a long shot. His muffled voice rang out. "Come in." You turned the door knob and entered. Hesitantly sitting down on the chair across his desk, you waited for him to talk. "You might not believe this after what happened earlier, but... I liked Reggie. He kept things light. You need folks like that, it's easy to let depression sink in during times like this." He turned away. His words registered but you couldn't even begin to believe them.

He's a psychopath, clear as day. "But he was weak. Weak of will. Weak of character. And we can't have that around here. Not anymore." Recalling Reggie as one of the only nice people when you arrived here, who was currently dead for no good reason- because of this piece of shit, you answered. "He didn't deserve that... even if he messed up, he didn't deserve to die like that..." A chill went up your spine as he replied. "Oh, he certainly did. Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the decisions a weaker person couldn't make. That's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety." You let him continue without responding. "Well, I wish it was different, I do. But they are weak and we are strong." Deciding to not answer to his insane reasoning, you remained quiet.

"And we're more alike than you think. There's no way you could have lasted this long otherwise." He leaned in close to you. "I realized it back in that cabin. You were scared, but looked me straight in the eye. Kept your nerve." Carver continued on about how the next generation should be raised like me and Clem and even mentioned Rebecca's baby. Alvin's baby. Static from the radio turned his attention to it. "Bill, you there?" Grabbing the radio, he replied. "Yeah, I'm here." The woman on the other end began talking. "The loading bay door is jacked. Troy really knocked the shit out of it." Their conversation continued for moment before he set the walkie talkie down.

"That fuckin' idiot." You concealed your smirk. "The herd on it's way, and he puts a goddamn ding in my door. Go on back to work then." Thank God, you mentally sighed. You walked outside, slowing your pace so you wouldn't get there as quickly. Hopefully Carver would give Troy shit and you could get out of working with him. As if your prayers were answered, said man walked into the building, a pissed off expression painted on his face. He took notice of you immediately. "Your lucky day, girl. Go help Bonnie out instead. Fuckin' pain in my ass, that Tavia." He mumbled as he passed you. You smiled as he did so, thank God for him being a shitty driver.

Luke TWDG x Reader / I Won't LeaveWhere stories live. Discover now