Chapter 63: But Don't I Deserve An Explanation?

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Reece's POV

Caleb shut the door behind him and took a breath "I think she'll be ok"

I looked at everyone then back at him "I'm going in"

He nodded "that's a good idea"

I slowly opened the door and she stared at her wrist. I shut the door then she broke down. I made my way to her and wiped away her tears. She stayed quiet so I broke the silence "why?"

"I already talked about it" she whispered "To Caleb"

"But don't I deserve an explanation? I thought you died in my arms Lena! I was scared that I lost you" My voice broke "The sight of seeing you cut your wrist... I got in my arm to get you away from the blade then there was blood and you were fading away. I watched your body fall limp in my arms"

"I'm sorry"

"So you gonna tell me why?" I asked

She slowly looked at me "I'm broken Reece. I want it to stop"

"By killing yourself?"

"What was I supposed to do! I hate myself Reece. I hate what they did to me" she cried "They turned me into something that I don't wanna see. Then there was Sophie and you"

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me" I frowned "I'd never do that"

She looked down "I didn't know what to do"

"So the blade was your answer?"

"I get that your mad but you don't understand" she whispered

"I'm pissed. Not at you but at everything. I get why you did it but at the same time I don't. I felt my heart stop the minute the blade hit your skin. I really thought I lost you"

She took a breath "You don't have to worry. I already promised Caleb I wouldn't do it again"

I nodded "You're lucky I know you never break promises"


"Hmm" I hummed

"Why didn't you make an effort to talk to me?" She asked "After Sophie"

"I was scared" I admitted "I was scared that you'd only push me farther away but now I see that wasn't possible"

"She really is a bitch, isn't she?"

I chuckled "She really is"

She looked down "I'm sorry Reece"

"Princess... why would you-" I stopped talking "You need to rest"

I got up and began walking towards the door

"Where are you going?" She asked

"I'm going to get you something to eat" I sighed and opened the door "I'll be back"

As soon as the door shut a doctor walked up to me "She almost died"

I nodded "I know, I'm the one who held her as I waiting for the ambulance" I paused "So of course I know" I began walking down the hallway where the group was sitting

"Have you thought about placing her in a place for the crazy?" He asked

I stopped "She doesn't need to go anywhere like that. She's a good person, she's not crazy. She's had a lot of shit happen to her" I growled and rushed to the group.

Kayne and Dylan ran in "is she ok!" They screamed in unison

I nodded "She's fine but I'm gonna go get her some food"

Elena's POV

Lauren walked in and sighed "Lena"

I shook my head "I'm sorry"

"I know you are but you're lucky Reece called me" she walked closer "If he didn't you'd be dead"

"Why'd Reece call you?" I asked

"He's the one that was next to Audrey's phone when it went off. He freaked out and called Dylan then me. He was terrified, I heard it in his voice. And when you went unconscious in his arms and he thought you died... he started screaming, the sight of the girl he loves dying in his arms" she sat on the bed "That was too much for him"

"I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted it to stop" I cried for like the millionth time today

She gave my hand a soft squeeze "I know but we're here for you"

"I know but it's hard" I looked down

She hugged me and started crying... oh my god what have I done?

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