Chapter 14

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Kellin's POV

Today I'm determined to talk to Vic after him giving me the cold shoulder yesterday. It's Monday so he can't avoid me like he did yesterday. Something was up with him and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I love the boy for god sakes! I know I need to tell him but it's so soon into our relationship that he'd probably think I'm crazy.

I got ready for school in determination. I was going to force Vic to tell me what's wrong even if it kills me. When I got to school he was sitting next to Jaime but when he saw me he turned away really fast. That's weird. I feel so used. This isn't fair at all.

All through the day, with the classes Vic and I shared, he would avoid me and sit next to the other people in our classes that don't completely hate us. Right now he can't avoid me, it's lunch and I am going to hunt him down. So with that I walked into the canteen, hoping to find him in there but he wasn't. Maybe he went to the group we hang with? So I went back to our friends and there he was. He was joking around and just having fun with the others. It kept making me feel like I had done something wrong but I couldn't think of anything. Vic saw me walking towards him so I mouthed the words, 'Can we talk?' to him. He shook his head and then excused himself from the group. He walked off towards the toilets and I'll be dammed if he thinks he can get away with this. I decided I was going to follow him because I need to know what the hell is going on here.

When I caught up to Vic, which took a lot longer than it should have, he had kept walking into the building and upstairs. He walked into the toilets on the top floor and tried to lock himself in one but I was to quick and got into the cubicle locking it behind me.

"Um, do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?!" I snapped at him angrily. Vic tried to walk past me but I backed up into the door, where the lock was. He is going to tell me what's going on.

"Just move out of my way Kellin," he said coldly. That was the last straw for me. Who does he think he is? He has no right to treat me like that. Especially after I gave him everything. I was so angry and upset I was on the verge of tears.

"No, you'll tell me what the fuck is going through your head!" I snapped. "What did I do to you, huh? Why are you giving me the cold shoulder? What did I do to you?... Did you use me the other day?" I finished the last bit in a barely audible voice. A few tears had fallen while I was waiting for him to answer.

Vic closed his eyes sighing then reopened them looking a bit.... vulnerable. Why would he be vulnerable?

"I'm sorry... I...I just freaked out. I wanted to wait until I lost my virginity. I wanted to be in a loving relationship. I wanted you to love me like I lov-," he cut himself off eyes going wide and face going bright red.  I realised what he was going to say. He loves me? I smiled wide and pretty much jumped on him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, kissing him passionately.

"I love you as well, dumbass," I whispered against his lips then pushed them to his harder. He grinned into the kiss then pulled away. He smiled at me and kissed my face sloppily all over. "Yuck stop, that's so gross," I squeaked at him. He chuckled and pulled away, only to pull me into a bone crushing hug, like my mother does.

After that lunch and the rest of the day was perfectly fine. Right now though, well, we were play fighting.  Although it was kinda, a lot, rougher then normal play fighting. Vic had just tackled me onto the floor and was straddling me. "Say I'm the most awesome person you know! Say it," he ordered me.

"No. You're not and I must not tell lies," I told him triumphantly.

Vic smirked. "Oh so if I'm not the most awesome person you know, you wouldn't want me to kiss you, now would you?" he asked seductively while inching closer to my lips. I took that opportunity to flip us over and kiss him. He wrapped his arms around my head keeping me in place before pulling back.  "I love you" I smiled at him and kissed him hard.

The rest of the day was pretty much like that until we went into my bedroom to sleep. I was cuddled into his side. This is where I belong, I'm content here. I fell asleep snuggled into his side, my head on his chest,  with his arms wrapped around me.

This is where we belong.


I hope this made up for the last chapter. Also if anyone has any ideas please let me know. Hope you're enjoying this!

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