Math Class // Chapter 1

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*i get better as a writer as the story and books go:)))*

I'm Maddie. Yea you've probably never heard of me before.

But you've heard of my best friend: Teo Halm.

Teo and I have been best friends since we were in 2nd grade. It was always so nice because it was never awkward between us.

Well except for the one time I had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend. We couldn't hang out as much which honestly sucked.

No matter what happens, I'll always be there for him. He's basically my everything.

That sounded like I have no life.

But its true. Like I love Teo in a best friend kinda-way. Nothing more.

And anyway, he has a girlfriend at the moment (part of the awkward time) so not like he loves me more than a best friend or anything..

I've always wondered though would it be awkward if we ever-

"Ms. Tanner," my math teacher snapped me back to reality. "Yes. Mrs. McCarthy?" Mrs. McCarthy hated me so much. It was because I would space out so much and because I'm known to talk back to people and I talk a lot.

"I asked if you knew the answer to problem 4 and you didn't answer me," Mrs. McCarthy said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh I'm sorry. It won't happen again I promise." I shot her a smile. That got a laugh out of people sitting around me because, everyone knew it was going to happen again.

"Answer number 4, Maddie." This time, I was going to answer it because she was about to rip my head off.

"I don't know the answer."

I probably shouldn't have said that and should've just guessed.

"Madelyn Tanner-" (she never says my name unless I have to go to the principals office.) "To the principal's office yea yea I know," finishing the sentence for her.

I walked out of the class and walked into the office. To my surprise, Teo was there.

"Mads. What did you did this time?" Teo asked. I honestly loved it when he called me Mads. Like it had this amazing feeling and smiled whenever he called me it.

"I could be asking you the same thing," I replied which shut him up.

After about 2 minutes of silence, he spoke up. "Ya know. In a friendship like ours, the boys are suppose to get in trouble more than the girl." I laughed because it was totally the other way around. "Well Teo. Let me explain something to you. We don't have a normal friendship."

Right as I said it, I knew he would think of the whole "I love you" in more of a best friend kinda way. Which was not the case.

"Like we've been best friends for like ever. We tell each other basically everything. We hang out sooooo much. We have a weird connection. It works but its not like other people's normal friendship."

He looked at me. "Weird connection?" he said and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed, "See. This is what I mean. We don't have a normal friendship." I looked at him and smiled. He smiled right back.

"So why exactly are you in the office?" I asked him. "Uh well I was eating in Mr. Richards class. So yea. I'm pretty rebellious." I burst out laughing. "Yea you got something to top that? Tell me it then," he said chuckling at the end.

"Well I was talking back to Mrs. McCarthy and she kicked me out of her classroom. So I think I win."

He was looking at me. Like staring into my soul. "How does your mom still love you?" He replied, sarcastically.

I thought of a good reply quick. "Its the same way you still love me." I looked back at him and he was looking at his feet.

"Well it must be a lot then." I quickly felt my checks get hot and I, too, was now looking at my feet. I was about to say something when Teo was called into the office.

"Teo Halm. Come with me." Mr. Maxx, our principal, looked right at Teo. He got up and walked into the office. I was left alone, just thinking.

Teo said he loved me.

Loved. Me. Wow. This was the first time in a while I felt this type of happiness. And I loved it. I'm overthinking this. We've said I love you before but like why is this time different? We'd say it and mean it but it was never more than a best friend thing.

Before I knew it, Teo was next to me again.

"Maddie. Your turn." I just kept sitting there.

"Maddie." "Mads" "MADELYN"

That time, I came back to reality.

"WHAT HELLO." I yelled. I got a dirty look from one of the social workers.

Teo was laughing at me. "Its your turn to go into the principals office. I'll wait here for you." "Aww are you sweet," I said, smiling. He blushed and took out some homework to do.

I walked into the office. "Hello Mr. Maxx. Long time no see, eh?" He chucked. "Actually, I saw you two days ago. So where are you coming from?" "Mrs. McCarthy, the normal." "And what did you do this time?" "I talked back to her." "Ok nothing new so you can leave. I have to call your parents though." "Ok. Thank you Maxx."

I walked out of the office to see Teo still there. I thought he actually might leave because it took so much longer last time.

"That was quick. Quicker than last time," He said. I chuckled. "Yea. It was nothing new than last time so I just got to leave after explaining what happened." "Well I didn't even get to finish my homework. Usually I finish it all," he said with a laugh. The bell had rang when I was in Mr. Maxx's office so we were able to leave now.

"Ah Teo. Let's go home."

He looked at me with a sad expression on his face. "I actually can't today. I have to see Starr." Starr was his girlfriend. "Oh. Right. How stupid of me? I'll see you later. FaceTime me after you two go hang out." "I definitely will." I shot him a fake smile. "See you Teo." I started to walk away. "Wait. Maddie." I stopped and turned around, "hmm?" I waited for him to run up to me. "Maybe I can tell Starr that we can hang out some other time." I got so happy. "You would do that. Why?" I looked him straight in the eye, that's how I would be able to tell he was lying.

He wasn't.

"I mean Starr is important, but so are you. I need to make time for you too. So I'm gonna hang out with you today." I smiled huge. "Aww Teo." "I'll just text Starr." "Ok tell me when you're ready to go." I gave an actual smile now and he smiled back.

We started to walk to my house. We just talked about the randomest things. Then, I asked a question I regret asking. "So how are you and Starr..?"

He answered not that quick, so I took that as not very good.

"Well pretty good I think."

Oh I was off by a lot.

"I mean I love her and everything," yea that one hurt, "and stuff and I'm pretty sure she loves me back so I think pretty good." That one killed me. It hurt knowing that I wasn't the only one he loved. Like I knew that but he obviously thinks she's more important than me but I guess I should've guessed that. What I wanted to say was 'Teo I promise you I love you more than she does. You're my everything and I hate that you two are dating.' But, what I actually said was "Oh. That's good. I'm glad you're happy." I smiled at him, but he could tell it was fake but he didn't mention it.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is my Teo fanfiction. The two girls are me and my friend, Starr. I really hope you guy like this. And this chapter was long so I'll try to do most of my chapters like this.

I'll be trying to update whenever I can😊

Thanks for reading💕


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