Starr // Chapter 5

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I looked up at her but didn't say anything. "Maddie look." I looked up at her. She sat down next to me with a worried expression on her face.

I didn't move at all.

"Maddie. Listen. Why did you run out like that? Is there anything that happened between you and Teo?"

I looked up at her confused. "Are you serious?" I said, annoyed. "Maddie. What are you talking about?" I didn't know if I should tell her or not and just act like Teo and I aren't dating. Just let everything run off my back and be Teo's best friend.

"Wait. What did Teo tell you?" She looked at me and sighed. "He told me that you and him had a connection. But me being the selfish person I am, kissed him to try to make you break up with him. He tried pulling away but I wouldn't let him. I held on to him. Then I saw you run out. Then he told me that you two were dating. I felt really bad. So I told him that its ok and that I broke up with him and that I had to go. He said he was going to look for you and I ran out to find you. I saw you and followed you here. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

I just sat there in silence.

And so did she.

I felt my phone vibrate over and over again and knew someone was calling me. I took my phone and saw that it was Teo. I decided I would answer it.

-Phone Call-

I talked first with a, "I'm fine don't worry." He sounded like he was very worried. "Good. I was really worried." "Teo are you ok?" Starr looked over at me with a worried expression on her face. "I just- I just thought I lost you before I really got to call you mine." I blushed and looked away, even though he wouldn't be able to see me because we are on the phone. I saw Starr look at me and smile. Was she happy for me? Wow. Maybe we could be friends.

"Teo I love you," I bluntly said. "Maddie I love you," he said just as quick. I looked over at Starr and she was on her phone. Her eyes were starting to water Guess she had a heart after all. I was starting to feel bad. I looked down at my phone and knew I should say good bye. "Maddie are you coming back to the party?" "Yea probably," smiling even though only Starr would see me. "Ok can't wait to see you. I love you. Bye Mads." "I love you, too, Teo. I'll see in a few. Bye"

I clicked the hang up button and looked at Starr.

"Well. Don't you have a party to go to?" she asked me with a hurting tone. "As long as you come with me." She smiled while still looking at her phone. "Ya know Maddie. You're not a bad person." I smiled this time and looked at her. "I never hated you I want you to know that. But I'll be honest. I was jealous that you were the one with Teo and not me. It really bothered me. And I'm sorry if I took him because I know I kinda did," I replied, guilt in my tone.

She looked at me, tears growing in her eyes. "Trust me, its fine. I understand. I would be jealous too," she said with a blank expression on her face.

The next thing I did was unexpected: I hugged her.

"Starr. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I really want to be friends with you. You seem like such a cool person and I feel like we can be good friends. So please give me a chance and forgive me," I said pleading and looking at her.

She smiled at me. "How could I not forgive someone like you? You don't have anything to be sorry for. I was the one that kissed your boyfriend."

This would be a bad time to bring up last night. So I'll just leave that subject off the table.

This time, she hugged me

"Let's be friends," she said over my shoulder. "It would be my honor to be your friend."

I felt her smile on my shoulder. But who knows if it was genuine or if she was just being fake.

And with that we walked back to the party.

A/N: Aw Maddie and Teo are official💕🙊

Annnnnnd Starr and Maddie are friends! Well I guess.

Well we'll see.

This chapter was almost a complete win for Maddie

Stay amazing


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