Party Troubles // Chapter 4

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When I woke up, Teo had his arm around me. I remembered everything that happened yesterday and wondered how it was gonna affect our friendship. Or his relationship with Starr.

I looked over and Teo was actually awake. "Hey," he said in a happy voice. I wonder how late he's been up. "Mh hi." "How'd you sleep?" "Pretty good," I smiled, now remembering everything that happened last night. "How about you?" I asked. He looked at me and pulled me closer. "Fantastic." He was smiling. I smiled too, knowing he was thinking of yesterday night.

"Well we have to go get ready for the party at your house tonight. Your mom texted me asking if I could help." I said in a happy tone, knowing Starr was gonna be there and I didn't know what was gonna happen. "Oh yea! That's tonight." He got all smiley. "Yea I'm excited!" I said in somewhat of a fake tone. "Me too," he said smiling and kissed my forehead. I reached up and pecked his cheek.

"Aw youre adorable," he chirped. I could tell he knew we weren't just friends anymore. But he was dating Starr so that's gonna be a little bit of a problem.

We got up and started to go down the stairs for breakfast. "I smell food," Teo said as he raced down the stairs. My brother, Luke, was downstairs already and Teo ran up to him and started to record a vine with him with me laughing and yelling behind him. "Luke. Luke. Luke. Luke." "Teo I'm eating go away." "Tough crowd" I burst into laughter. "Great job Teo," I told him and smiled at him. "Why thank you," he said in a very happy tone.

My mom then walked in. "What are you two doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at Teo's house?" "At 11," Teo said. "Its 10:55," my mom said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Teo looked at me. "MADDIE WE GOTTA GO!!!" he yelled in my ear. "TEO I KNOW LETS GO!!"

He picked me up bridal style and ran to his house. It was only like a block and a half but we were still getting weird looks from people who didn't know how close we were.

When we reached his house, it was 10:58. We just made it. We had to go with his mom to buy some decorations. We got about $70 in decorations and another $40 in supplies, which included food.

We got back to his house and had about 4 hours to get everything ready.

We quickly put up a lot of decorations in his basement and main level. His upstairs were marked off with 'NO TRESPASSING' tape because we didn't want anyone having sex in his room.

Before we knew it, it was 7 and people were going to be coming any minute. The first person there was Teo's friend Ben. Ben walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Ah great to see you Maddie," he said with a genuine smile. "Nice to see you too, Benny." He hated when I called him that. His smiled disappeared. "I'm kidding. Just Ben, right." "Yes. Its just Madeline, right." I hated whenever someone called me Madeline because it was Madelyn. M A D E L Y N. Not Madeline. But I blew it off and said, "Aw I hate you." He smiled and went off to find Teo.

I waited for the next person. It was my one friend Lori. "LORI! You showed up!" I yelled and smiled at her. "Well I couldn't just not show up. I'd be a bad friend." This time, she smiled. "I have a lot to tell you about last night." I was smiling and giggling just at the thought. "Ooooooo. You and Teo?" I looked at the ground and blushed. "Knew it. I'll be back," and with that, she was gone leaving just me and the door.

I waited about 3 minutes before the door rang and about 3 people piled in. And then 6 more people. They just kept coming in bunches. About 30 people later, Starr showed up.

"Oh. Hey Starr," I said, losing the smile on my face. "Maddie. What are you do-doing here...?" She sent me a confused expression. "Well, I'm Teo's best friend so I kinda came to, well ya know, be a friend and support him." She scoffed. "Well I'm here now so you can leave," she said in an annoyed voice and smiled a fake smile at me. "Starr I'm staying. Sorry if that annoys you." She just looked at me and walked by to probably find Teo. Finally, it was 7:45 and I was off door duty. I went to go find Teo. He was with Starr yet not talking to her. She suddenly saw me and pulled him in for a kiss. He pulled away and said something to her. I decided it would be kinda rude of me to just walk up to him so I just walked on by. The flaw in my plan was he saw me.

"MADDIE!" he called me over to where he was standing. "Hey Teo," I said, smiling when I reached him. I looked over at Starr and smiled. She sent a little one back and I looked away. Next thing I knew, I felt someone's hand creep onto my waist. It was Teo. I looked ever so slightly at Starr and no hand was around her waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and just listen to him as he talked to his one friend, Jack.

Finally, Starr saw us and she showed a sad expression on her face. I looked at her and then looked away and put my head back on Teo's shoulder. She put her arm around his back and he let it sit there. She didn't take it away until he had to go to the bathroom and even then he didn't let go of me.

He guided me to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

This is a weird place to talk. Oh. What if he wants to do something more than talk. What if-

"Maddie. How am I suppose to tell Starr that we are dating?"

We're dating. Aha what omg this is amazing.

"Uh well." "Oh so we're dating?" he asked, with a smirk. "Well that's what you said," I said, blushing at the ground. "So how do I break the news?" He seemed concerned. "Well, best way to do it is to just break the news. Just tell her." He sighed, "Ok. Then that's what I'll do. You stay in here to make in seem like you were waiting your turn." "That'll work. I'll be out in 3 minutes." "Sounds good," he said as he flashed me that gorgeous smile.

He walked out and I stayed in there and fixed my makeup. Then I went on twitter and had about 400 notifications, mostly from Teo fans and then just some pictures from tonight so far. I replied to some people and followed some and then I decided it was a good time to go back out.

When I walked out, I saw Teo talking to Starr. Starr saw me and smirked. Then she leaned in to kiss him. He didn't pull away from her. They were kissing and I was the one actually dating him.

That must've been how she would've felt if she found out about yesterday.

I just looked at them though. Then, I turned around and walked out. Then, I ran. I ran home. It wasn't that far but I still ran. Then, I changed into different clothes and ran. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I didn't want to go home or to Teo's.

I ran for about an hour before I found a bench and sat down. I sat down and cried. Cried for being so stupid that he might actually like me. Cried for thinking that he told Starr they were done. Teo had me believe that he liked me, he loved me, that I was number 1. But I wasn't. I sat there for atleast 15 minutes before someone called my name. How could they find me? I turned around to see who the voice belonged to.

It was Starr.

A/N: Huh wonder if Starr and Maddie will become friends?

And what is happening with Teo and Maddie? Or Teo and Starr? Who knows?

Stay perfect


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