Change // Chapter 23

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So Teo said we shouldn't really talk until our double date on Saturday. And I knew what that meant.

'Sorry Maddie but I replaced you with Starr but I still love you and you're amazing but bye I'll talk to you Saturday'

That's what he was basically telling me.

At lunch, I went to go sit by Andrew. Teo saw us and sat at the same table... and he brought Starr. Starr had a 'black eye' that wasn't very noticable... "So. I thought today we could talk about the double date on Saturday," Teo said, faking a smile at Andrew and I. "What double date?" Starr asked, in a snotty voice. "That's what we are talking about know, smart one," I chirped at her. I was really done with all her fake 'perfect relationship' and all that.

Andrew started to chuckle at my comment, "Oh Mads. I love you so much."

I saw Teo look over at Andrew and give him some kind of stare, so I figured out he was jealous. But to make Teo even more jealous, I responded to Andrew's comment, "Aw Andrew. I love you so much too." Then I leaned up to kiss him. When our lips met, we stayed there for about 5 seconds and then pulled away. I giggled and looked back at Starr and Teo. Starr was on her phone and looked like she was texting someone, not even paying attnetion to us. And Teo was annoyed, I could tell. His eyes told everything. I just smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes and looked at the table. We stayed this silent for about 5 minutes, just eating and looking.

I broke the silence first. "So about this double date. What movie are we going to see and where should we go to eat at dinner?" Teo was still looking at the table and Starr was looking at her phone. "It needs to be expensive. I've read that first dates should always be the most expensive meal because you're still trying to impress the girl. Which means that the guys pay," Starr stated. "You guys haven't had a first date yet?.." Andrew looked at Teo, astonished by the news he had just heard. "No... Why is that bad?"

They had been dating since the begining of summer and they haven't been on one date yet.

Now I knew how this relatioship was shaping out to be.

"Well Andrew took me out on our first date the night we got together," I said, with a smile remembering all of the great moments that night had. Teo had scoffed. "Well when Maddie and I were together, I took her out on our first date the next day. And when Starr and I had dated the first time, we went on a date to an amusement park. Maddie came with but I mean it still counts as a date, right?" Andrew shook his head. "Not to me, but if it counts to you, then it counts," Andrew had said with a small smile. Teo just pressed his lips together and barely nodded his head. We just sat there in silence.

I figured out that Teo had talked to me, even though Teo had said he wouldn't talk to me until Saturday.

When the bell rang and we were walking out of lunch, Teo grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. "Maddie how could you do that?" What was he talking about? "Do what?" I didn't do anything to him. Or to Starr. Or to anyone!

"How you kissed Andrew like that in front of Starr and I!"

Wait back up... Why is kissing my boy friend suddenly such a big problem to him?

"Why does that bother you?" I was excited to see his answer because I honestly didn't know why it bothered him. "Its because ya know.. I was with Starr and we were eating and everything..."

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a lie was that?

A 16.

"You could've kissed Starr back and why would it matter if you were eating! There's those kids in the halls that swallow each other and you are mad because I kissed Andrew once..? Is that what you are saying?" He just nodded. "Teo, why is this such a problem? You're basically saying I can't kiss my boy friend?.. I'm sorry Teo but you made it very clear that you did not want to be friends for a little while and how much more important Starr is than me. So I'm sorry but I can't just give everything up for you know. I would have dropped everything to please you if we jumped about a year back when everything was basically perfect. We would hang out, we would have those awesome sleep overs, we would tell each other everything! Teo don't you want that back?" He didn't answer. He just looked at the floor, shuffling his feet. "And there you have it," is all I said before I walked away. I can't believe that he wouldn't want that stuff back. The reason we broke up was because he wanted things to go back to the way it used to be!

I can't believe him. Him dating Starr has changed him. And I know he knows that he's changed.

His relationship with Starr must be hella important because obviously, I'm not important anymore.

A/N: Sorry I made Teo a jerk in this part...

This isn't the end guys. It'll pick up😊

Stay perfecttttttt


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