Andrew // Chapter 9

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At school on Tuesday, it was somewhat awkward between Teo and I. We didn't really talk at all, just 8th hour.

Throughout the day, I would see Starr and Teo talking. I kept wondering what was going on with them. Like are they dating again? Are they gonna get back together?

Jealous was burning up in me again.

I started blinking the tears away when my one friend Andrew walked up to me.

"Maddie. Are you uh ok?" "Andrew hi. Yea I'm fine."

He could see my lies too clear.

"No you're not. I know you too well."

Wow I barely know him and he knows me 'too well'. Weird.

"You're right. I'm not ok. I'm in a lot of emotional pain right now." He kept looking at me, reading me. "Why don't we hang out today? Ya know I can help you through some things?" I smiled, knowing I had someone there for me. I nodded and looked over Andrew's should to see Teo looking at me. I looked back at Andrew. "Great," he smiled, "I'll meet you but your locker after school?" "Yea. That'll work," I smiled back at him.

We both said see you later and he walked off. I got my things for history and when I closed my locker, Teo was there.

I smiled at him, "Hey." "Hey," he said in an annoyed tone. "How are you?" I asked, just to see what he would say. "I'm just," he sighed, "just fantastic. You?" I smiled, not because of him though, but because of Andrew. "I'm good." "That's nice so hey what's up with you and Andrew?"

Huh? Is Teo jealous?

"We're hanging out after school. Why?"

I already knew the answer but I just wanted to see what he would tell me.

"Ah just wondering." I could see through Teo like a window, he wasn't just wondering. He was jealous. "Oh ok. Do you wanna FaceTime later? Like after I'm done hanging out with Andrew?" He just looked at the ground, then lifted his head and nodded. "Yea sure sounds fun." He showed me a fake smile.

The next thing I wasn't prepared for, my arms like decided it was ok to hug him so I hugged him and he hugged me back. And then we got caught by Mr. Thomson, the strictest teacher in school, and were sent to the principals office.

"Ms. Tanner again. What did you do this time?" I didn't know what to say so I just bluntly told the truth. "I was hugging Teo in the hallway and we got caught so we were sent down here." Teo was looking at the ground and I was looking at Mr. Maxx. Mr. Maxx looked at us. "Are you two dating?.." I looked over at Teo, but he just kept looking down. I sighed before answering, "No. Just best friends." Mr. Maxx's eyes traveled over to Teo who was slightly nodding. "Good because I don't think you guys were meant to be together," he said with a laugh.

Ouch. That one hurt.

Teo and I just stood there while we got our punishment: a demerit. It didn't really bother either of us because we had gotten some before but not for PDA.

Teo had said that he let me take over that situation because he didn't know what to say. "Aw thanks Teo. You're so sweet." He laughed. I was happy he laughed because it meant we were going back to our normal selves.

I would never admit it, but I missed calling him mine.

But I doubted he felt the same way about me.

We went to 8th hour and it dragged and so did 9th hour. Finally, school was over. I walked over to my locker with Teo and we started talking about the things we used to talk about. It was really nice. I saw Andrew coming though and Teo said he had to go. I could tell he didn't like Andrew and I hanging out but he wouldn't say anything.

Andrew and I walked to my house and he was really trying to help me through anything. He was super sweet.

"Its just over the weekend Teo and I went out and then literally yesterday, we broke up because I saw him kissing another girl and I felt really bad because I really like him and I still do and I thought I was in love with him but he showed me different but I will never admit it but I really do still like him and I feel terrible but he's still my best friend so I just don't want it to he weird or anything and like-" "Maddie. Slow down. You're talking very fast."


"Well. Teo and I went out over the weekend. Like starting Friday night." Andrew just kept looking at me, taking everything in. "And like we were having a good relationship and everything. But like yesterday morning, when I woke up, I saw him kissing some girl in a convertible." Andrew looked disgusted, "Why would he do that to you? Like he said he loved you, right?" I just nodded my head. "So why would he do that to you?" I just looked at the ground and raise my shoulders to shrug. "Maddie. He doesn't deserve you. You are amazing and you're beautiful and hilarious and not afraid to say what you want to say. I don't get how anyone would want to give that up." I felt my cheeks start to burn and knew I was blushing. I looked up and saw him smiling. "Maddie I mean everything I've said to you." "Andrew. It means so much. Thank you." I was smiling at him. "No problem. I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you." He hugged me. He was much taller than me so he gave those bear hugs. Like Teo and I were only about 2 inches apart so those were normal hugs. They were nice, but Andrews hugs were sweet.

After we talked through everything, we sat on the couch and watched TV. This reminded me of Teo and I on Friday. He started to hold me and I was really comfortable. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did. And I woke up in Andrews arms.

Uh oh.

"Andrew," I whispered. "Andrew," I said. "ANDREW," he woke up this time. "Hm? What?" "Its 9:30 and we fell asleep." "Can I stay over here tonight?" I sighed and knew I was suppose to FaceTime Teo. "Sure but I have to FaceTime Teo." He just looked at me. "Ok. I'll just watch TV." I FaceTimed Teo and he didn't answer. He usually answers me so I wonder what's up. I just kinda blew it off and texted him to FaceTime me when he was ready. I waited for him and he never answered. It was midnight and he didn't answer so I just went by Andrew, who was sleeping, and crawled next to him. I couldn't sleep that night at all though.

I was just thinking about what Teo was doing and why he couldn't talk. Was he with someone? Was he sleeping? Was he mad? I wasn't sure but I couldn't sleep because of it.

At around 2 am, I got up and checked my phone. No text messages or missed FaceTime calls. I checked twitter to see if Teo tweeted, he didn't. I checked Instagram and vine. Nothing. I figured he was just sleeping and to not get myself crazy about anything so I walked back to where Andrew was and I saw another person.

And it was the exact person I was looking for.

A/N: Ooooo stalker much?😜

Anyway, I had to do 3 drafts of this chapter before getting it right so enjoy

I'll update later tonight because I'm going to an amusement park today😊

Stay perfect


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