Aww // Chapter 20

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School was boring the rest of the day. All we basically did was just tell a little about ourselves and you heard a lot of the same information over and over.

When I got home, I decided I should watch a movie, just to take my mind off things.

I put in just some movie, I didn't even know the name. I just laid there, watching this movie that I didn't understand.

I got up to get some snack and then went to go check my phone. I had a text from Andrew.

-Text convo-

Andrew: hi...

Uh oh.

Maddie: Hey :)

Andrew: What's up

Maddie: Watching a movie

Andrew: Are you with Teo...

Maddie: No I'm watching the movie alone.

Andrew: Well why are you watching the movie alone?

Maddie: Because I just needed some space from everyone :)

Andrew: Even me? :(

The truth was I was just thinking about what Teo said. He was the only one I really wanted to see but I would never tell Andrew that.

Maddie: No no of course not

Andrew: Whew good :) Well hey I got to go my friends and I are going to a dinner place

Maddie: Ok have fun :)

I'm pretty sure Andrew thinks I'm cheating on him with Teo. But I would never do that. Teo has done that to me twice and it hurt both times. I'm not gonna be the bad guy and do that to him.

I walked back over and just watched the rest of this weird movie. By now, it was 8. I walked up to my room and jumped in the shower. Then I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. I didn't go to sleep yet, I was just on my phone. I went on twitter and scrolled through my notifications.

There was one name that caught my eye: Andrew.

@andrew_bazzi: @itsmaddietanner is the best girlfriend ever :)❤️

Aw he was so sweet.

I then looked at the replies. There were some 'omg you guys are so cute' or 'awww'. But I noticed Teo replied on that.

"TeoHalm: @andrew_bazzi @itsmaddietanner you guys make a disgusting couple ;)

Teo... Just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean you have to tell them they have a disgusting relationship. But I missed talking to Teo so I sent him a quick text.

-Text Convo-

Maddie: TAY


Teo: MADS*

This kid makes it really hard to not fall in love with him. Thank god I already loved him.

Maddie: HI

Teo: hi?

Maddie: Why the ?

Teo: Because usually u don't start off a convo by just saying my name and then hi.

Maddie: I'm changing.

Teo: Oh. Please don't change


Maddie: Teo I don't know what I would do without you. You literally make me the happiest person.

Teo: I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend. Its amazing. Your amazing.

Maddie: Teo. You make it really hard to not fall in love with you.

Teo: Good thing you already have, right?

He's killing me.

Maddie: Yea :) It is a good thing

Teo: I kinda have to delete this conversation. But I don't want to at all.

Maddie: I do too... But I wish I didn't have to. Like I don't get why when someone means something to you, you always have to let them go. Like that's just how it happens.

Teo: Yea but like I wish we could still hang out and stuff.

Maddie: You're happy with Starr now its ok :) and I'm happy with Andrew so its all working out.

Teo: Yea. you're right :) as long as we both are still friends I guess its all good

Maddie: We should do something. Like the four of us.

Teo: How about on Saturday, we all go to the movies and out to dinner?

Maddie: Ooo yea! That sounds fun!! I'll talk to Andrew about it :)

Teo: And I'll ask Starr.

Maddie: Sounds good. Well I should go to bed. See you tomorrow goodnight.

Teo: Goodnight Mads.

A/N: Oooo Maddie and Teo are becoming closer again yay😊

If you would like to follow me on twitter for updates and stuff😂, I'm @LeddyLover 😊

Is this length of chapter ok? Please let me know

But thank you guys so much for all of the support on this book💕

You are amazinggggg

Check out my other story Cali!❤️👌
Stay perfect


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