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I went back to my room and saw that my windows were blocked with metal walls.

I hit the wall and it wouldn't open. Benicio walked in my room without knocking.

"What are you trying to do, kid?" Benicio asks.

"I have to go!" I say and grab the suitcase. Benicio stops me and gives me a questioning look.

"I made a deal with this guy and he paid me to do it and he said if I-" Benicio cut me off.

"What did you get yourself into?!" Benicio shrieks.

"I have to go or else he'll kill me, Ben!" I yell.

"No that's way too dangerous, you're staying here." Benicio shrugs and leaves my room.

I quickly followed him.

"You don't understand, I said I'll be there." I say.

"All I have to do is help him do research that's it!" I lied.

Benicio turned around and rubbed his face angrily.

"For the last time Dane, you're not going!" Benicio yells angrily. "It's too dangerous for a fifthteen year old to be out there alone!"

"I'm sixteen." I spat.

"God damnit Dane the adult is talking here." Benicio says. "You're not leaving this damn mansion!"

"You don't sound like an adult. If you are an adult, you would understand that once a deal is made, you have to do whatever it is." I say. "He'll kill me if I'm not there because he already paid me."

"Who's he?" Benicio asks.

"It doesn't matter." I scoffed and stormed off to my room.

I heard Benicio go back downstairs to his room.

I looked around the mansion for a window that was not blocked but I failed. Every single window was covered with a metal wall.

I tip toed downstairs and saw adults talking with wine glasses in there hand.

I gaged and went straight for the basement. I was never allowed in there for some reason.

I saw that it was locked and I broke the glass that was on the door.

No one heard since there was loud music playing.

I crawled through and rolled all the way down the stairs and got up.

"Ow." I grabbed my head.

I looked around and there were some old beds. I frowned, wondering what this use to be and why it wasn't taken out.

I saw a small room with a bunch of locks on the door. I looked in and saw chains hanging from the wall and ceiling.

I honestly thought that Benicio's basement was gonna be luxurious just like the rest of his mansion.

No wonder he didn't allow anyone in here.

I then spotted a small window, almost like the size of two bricks stacked on each other that was already broken.

I took my suitcase and tried fitting it through the window but it was too small.

I groaned and took out my SMG and left the suitcase filled with money. I crawled through the window and landed on some dried grass.

"There." I quickly got up and ran through small alleys to get to Bills garage.

I finally made it and entered through a secret door that Cole told me to use when I got back.

Bill saw me enter and sighed in relief.

"You made it, I was about to go blow your brains out." Bill says and placed a knife on my cheek.

He slid it down to my lip but not to the point where it cut me.

"Told you I wasn't gonna let you down." I say.

Bill removes the knife from my lip and placed it in his pocket.

"Well this is your little office." Bill says and points to the office.

I make my way to the desk and sat down. There was a computer with security cameras from the streets.

"How'd you get all this?" I say in shock. Only the government is capable of hacking the cameras of the stoplights.

"We have are ways, kid. Now get working. All I know is that it was two British males." Bill says and walks away.

The first two British males that popped up in my head was the guests that Benicio was having over in his vacation house.

No it can't be them, they're too... nice to do that.

I started typing in the computer and looked at the security cams from last years purge.

I got a security cam on a street called Plaza and it looked quite interesting.

Two large groups of people were talking until one tall lanky man, almost like Bill walked up.

There was a women arguing with the taller guy until he ordered for someone to drop three guys on the ground.

Another guy from the opposite team walked up but I'm not sure if he said something since he did have a creepy mask on.

Two guys from one team walked up to the women and pulled her to their side and hit her with a gun making her knock out.

Other guys grabbed the three people from the ground and pulled them up.

One of the guys took off their mask and he looked exactly like the guy from the vacation house.

I couldn't tell whether it was him or not because of the low quality of the cam but it did look like him.

What if it is them? They're both Benicio's friends and I can't help Bill find them and kill them.

"Whatcha got kid?" Bill asks and walks behind my chair.

I quickly changed pages to a different cam.

"You can't be watching porn while you're doing your job." Bill teases.

I stayed silent, letting him think I was watching porn.

"I'm serious, what did you find so far?" Bill asks and takes over the mouse.

He clicked the page that I found and he watched it.

I saw his face from the corner of my eye.

"That's my brother Anwar!" He says excitedly.

He pulls me out of the chair and pulls me into a hug.

"H-how did you find this footage?" Bill asks.

"I just went to last years annual purge cams." I shrug, feeling guilty as ever.

"There's too many men there and they're all wearing masks, how am I  gonna know which one are the guys?" Bill says.

He didn't notice that one did take off their mask and I happen to know who he was.

But who knows if he did kill Bills brother?

I shrug not knowing what to say.

"Either way, this is great video evidence." Bill says. "Thanks kid, you're a genius."

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