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chapter 2:

trigger warning(s) [mentions of]: alcohol, weed, drunk people, anxiety.
tw rating: mild

chapter summary:
Ryland and Shane aren't very helpful but Morgan is + Andrew finds out who he was with.


"I remember somewhat of what happened." Shane told Andrew, who had sat down across from him. Shane was clicking away on his laptop. Pausing every now and then to answer Andrew's questions.

"Could you please tell me? I think something happened last night." Shane gave him a questionable look but shoved it aside.

"We were all at Tana's private party, but there were a lot of people there for a 'private party'" Andrew's remembers that much. He remembers the large place that held bunches a people even Shane didn't even know. But it seems like that didn't stop anyone from drinking or at least partying.

"We all stayed together until Garrett saw something that excited him. He left us and you went after him. Then Morgan went after you. It was a mess." Shane recalls, suddenly closing his laptop shut.

"So I didn't leave with anyone?" Shane looked shocked. Shane shook his head. Something didn't make any sense.

"The three of you were all there when the cab arrived." Shane told Andrew. No one had seen Morgan enter the room. Andrew leaned back into his chair. His thoughts were scrambling; what? who? how?

"Ryland tried to jump out of the Uber." Shane snorted and Andrew let out a chuckle. Morgan came from behind Andrew and made herself known. She had asked Andrew to follow her, and he did, willingly. She seemed desperate so it must've been important. Morgan brought him to her room. Both of them sat on her bed. Her large new mattress, and tan walls, and photos stuck above her computer were the things that caught his eye. But Andrew simply ignored these things.

"What's this about?" Andrew asked, bringing up his leg to get comfortable but not too comfortable.

"I didn't want to tell anyone but you." She blurted out. This raised a question but she quickly grabbed her phone from her dresser and clutched it in her hand. Andrew grew nervous, What was this about?

"I overheard your conversation with my brother. I have some pictures on my phone from last night." Morgan quickly typed in her passcode and showed me a picture. Shock was shown on Andrew's face as he stared at the picture. A blush seemed to appear also.

The picture was of Andrew, with his arms wrapped around his neck. Mouth on mouth action occurred. In short;

Andrew was kissing Garrett.

It all made sense now. The familiar scent. The fact that Garrett left. The weed. Andrew had tinted pink painted on his cheeks.

"Morgan! Please, please! Don't show anyone these pictures!" Andrew begged, almost on the verge of tears. His breathes were becoming short. An anxiety attack, perhaps?

"Andrew, deep breathes. In and out." Morgan told him, grabbing his shoulders. A few minutes pasted and Andrew swallowed hard.

"I won't tell anyone. Wasn't planning on it, but i think you should talk to Garrett." She said sincerely, letting go of his shoulders. Hands now rested in her lap.

"Wouldn't that ruin our friendship?!" Andrew reacted quickly. Morgan snorted at his response.

"Don't you think making out with him has already done that?" She asked him seriously. Andrew blushed madly losing eye contact with Morgan. Andrew stayed silent as his reply. Mostly unsure of what to say.

"You should talk to him, to see how this will affect your relationship." Morgan suggested, Andrew sighed. Since when was Morgan so wise?

"You're right, I'll message him and let him know I'm on my way."

"Wish you luck, everything should turn out fine!" Morgan shouted as Andrew was leaving. Andrew had messaged Garrett and was now on his way over.

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