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jungkook's eyebrows furrowed at the things he was reading--this guy killed more than 500 people? that's a massacre! mostly revolving around knives, guns, explosives. torture. so it's not really a surprise that he managed to murder a large amount of well, people. his nerves started kicking in again, and he didn't like it. he continued reading, despite all the disturbing facts written down such as raidings, murders, hostages. the brunette focused then on the facts about him-- thoughts itching at the back of his skull.

"park jimin, 22, used to be a working student. first murder was when he killed father, mother and sister on a friday night. fleed right after. then became crazy after the incident. went on killing sprees. others say trauma." jungkook read the info aloud, hearing the older scoffing. looking up at at the man in front of him, he put the cream folder down. "what's wrong? is there something you want to tell me? or clarify atleast?" he asked with a encouraging smile. "would you mind telling me the reason on why this incident happened?"

"you're no different from the rest, why should i tell you," jimin seethed, jungkook jolting up from his seat. "l-look jimin i'm only here to help you, okay?"

"that's what they all say," jungkook sighed but didn't allow a frustrated frown form on his face. "we won't get anywhere if you continue this attitude park, plus it's my job, please make it easier for me." jimin stayed quiet, glare digging a hole in jungkook's soul-- but-- ohohoho you never know he might be checking me out can't blame me i'm hot as fuc-- shut up jeon!

jungkook sighed and stood up from his seat, carrying the cream folder in his arms. "i don't think i'd be getting any info today so i'll take it easy on you for now. but for the meanwhile, i'd be studying this," he gestured to the material in his grasp. "take care park, i'll be back by tomorrow." he doesn't know where the sudden surge of confidence came from but whatever, it serves him better.

jungkook turned his back and proceeded to leave, swearing he heard the other male mutter something under his breath-- "there's something i like about you, jeon jeongguk."

jungkook came back the next day to consult and attempt once again, but remembered, it'll be a long way to get jimin (who murdered more than he can imagine) to warm up or tell him the details plus information he needs. he stayed up quite late last night to study as much as he needs about the mysterious male, aka park jimin. i guess that's what makes him intriguing. he had to dive deep into the web to find some things he needed to clarify.

he had a dark aura and all that, he's like one of those books that leave you on a cliffhanger and make you wonder what's going to happen next. which wasn't helping on the young psychiatrist's part.

"--ccording on what i have found, do you think you could tell me your motive on doing this?"

"and why, doctor?"

jungkook had no idea, not even the faintest idea on why he kept a firm stand about finding out everything -- but no matter how frustrated he got with the man, it pushed him more to find out everything the male was keeping inside-- it was like there was a rope luring him in and making him gain curiosity (but he won't lie, it's really damn frustrating.)

"jimin, i need you to warm up to me-- it's been quite awhile and i'm sure you have to be used to having me around by now," the brunette clicks his pen and inserts it back into his shirt pocket. he sighs when he receives no response from the latter.

"can you please do me a favor and cooperate? i don't want to waste my time here if you aren't going to work with me, jimin." the younger states.

"why are you still here then? you could be doing something else-- yet you still let yourself deal with how stubborn i am. you can't control what i do and what i don't want to do, doctor jeon." the brunette found himself stuck by the latter's question. he was right. why was he here when he could be dealing with another patient? it couldn't just be because he was the one assigned to the man, could it? he could just ask if someone else could handle the case but why doesn't he want that to happen? he felt attached.

he brushed it off as a random thought and convinced himself that it wasn't true, though.

"i don't want to give up, okay?" the younger one states with a firm tone, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him. the latter raised an eyebrow and let out a small chuckle mumbling, "this kid's just tiring himself out, tsk."

"alright fine, i will soften up a bit because, surprise surprise, maybe i feel a little bit bad-- keyword little and i pity your situation, but there's a teeny condition you have to follow,"

the brunette's mood brightens up a bit, nodding quickly. desperate to finally accomplish his mission. "sure, what is it?"

"you're not, and i mean it when i say not allowed to tell anybody about the information you're getting from me-- and if i find out that you did-- you're going to get a really really severe punishment, doctor."

"b-but what's the point of me getting what i want from you if i'm not allowed to give them what they asked me to work fo--" the strapped up man shushed him, smirking right at him.

"oh baby, s'only you."

guess who's back again ;)) are there still people who actually still read this? show yourselves :(( im sorry for not updating :(( i will update again later if i remember! hihi

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